Monday, December 26, 2011

An Idea

So I was wrong about getting my great idea out later that day.

Anyways, my great idea started with a very fed up attitude that was directed towards the media. I was sitting at work one day last week, watching TV with one of my clients while I washed the dishes. My client switched the channel to TLC's "Millionaire Match up", a show in which one stuck up woman finds girlfriends/boyfriends for these random millionaires, most of them cocky jerkholes. Already I was quite disgusted with the whole idea of the show(I'm against any form of assisted dating, whether it's TV shows or online dating), but it wasn't until the hostess started attacking this one guy that I got REALLY mad.

This particular millionaire was a computer guru who owned and operated his own computer software company. He was nice enough, seemed polite, but according to the hostess, he was "unfortunate enough to be a legit nerd."'. The guy had light red hair, glasses, and mostly wore casual dinner jackets, but that so called match maker made him to it to be a total loser. After mercilessly bashing his every feature, she concluded her judgement with, "No one wants to date red heads, and certainly not nerds. That's just how it is!"


Maybe I took it too personally(being known myself as a nerd AND a "strawberry blonde"), but that little snippet of a stupid "reality" TV show made me much more angry than I care to admit. I've already been so sick of stars, celebrities, and related topics, but that was just the last straw.

I'm tired of no one ever being "good enough". I'm tired of hearing about our so called flaws, how we need to be improved in order to make it, and shown what "perfect" really is. I'm normally pretty good with ignoring opinions of others, but recently it's all really started getting to me and it's started effecting me WAY more than it needs to. That is why I present you with this...


I want to start my own site where people can be themselves and enjoy it! I plan on posting motivational posts, uplifting quotes, fun challenges, and more. My goal is to get people of both genders and all ages to feel good about themselves again. I don't want the Hollywood way of life to prevail; I want us to start a new trend and be happy being us!

If ya'll could follow, suggest ideas, and help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 Things

1. The previous post was obviously a hack.

2. I have a fantastic idea.

3. Said idea shall have light shed upon it later in the day.

That is all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I am one beautiful woman, and I am not afraid to say so! I have a beautiful face and gorgeous hair! Don't think so? Tough!

I also love my amazing fiance Ryan.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Story for a Rainy Day


That's all I could smell as Mrs Pump hugged me. Every inch of her 4' 9" self was covered in the scent, "overpowering" not even beginning to describe the strength of the aroma.

I knew from the second that I walked through the door that she had eaten the whole bag. I had always assumed that there was no way on earth that a human could eat so many round mints at one time, one or two being a natural maximum limit, but I was wrong.

The house reeked of the smell of peppermint. The living room, the kitchen, even the bathroom was filled to the ceiling with the scent. It was so strong it made my eyes burn. It was as if the peppermints were in the air, hanging around like some kind of quasi-air freshener.

Not only was it in the air, but the peppermints had also left their mark physically. The living room floor was covered in candy wrappers, all marked with the same brand and design of the peppermint company in which they were from. There was not a step you could take without hearing the crunch of a wrapper beneath your feet. But alas! It got worse.

The absolute worst part of it all was Mrs Pump herself. The poor woman, not normally a very hygienic person, was reclined in her chair, covered in wrappers and not yet eaten candies. She herself had eaten so many peppermints that she oozed of their scent. It was as if she were sweating peppermint from her pores, the smell was so strong.

I believe now would be a good time to explain why this bothered me so. It was once upon a time in a time not so far away that I tried my first ever bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream. I had never tried it before, and being an avid ice cream fan, I was quite excited to finally experience what was sure to be a great bowl of dessert.

It started out with one bowl. I loved it. I loved it so much, that I had another serving. After that one, I decided that one more serving couldn't hurt anything. It wasn't until I had finished that last serving that I started to feel funny. My head started pounding, my throat felt swollen, my stomach weak. I was just starting to break into a sweat when I puked all the servings of ice cream all over the floor.

Did you know that puke can be pale green?

Since that lovely experience, I haven't been able to stand the sight or smell of peppermint the same way. Though able to down the occasional candy or York patty every so often, I simply cannot stand the sight of chocolate chip mint ice cream or even a minor scent of peppermint without feeling instantly nauseous. You can imagine how I felt being in this minty house; What you can't imagine is how I felt when Mrs Pump gave me a bear hug.

I was sitting in the kitchen, filling out paperwork, when Mrs Pump comes in telling me she was going out to run a few errands. Since she didn't know if I'd be gone by the time she returned, she signed her paper and then pulled me into a big minty hug.

My head had already been hurting from the putrid stench of too much peppermint, but it began to pound upon being engulfed in Mrs Pump's new perfume. Eyes watering, head throbbing, and throat closing, my gag reflexes were on the go, trying not to upchuck breakfast all over dear Mrs Peppermint...I mean Pump.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Mrs Pump released me and I was able to breath again. Was I alive? Had I really survived such an attack? Had I really managed to hold my breath for so long? She bid her farewell and walked away, the trail of mint floating along behind her.

That night, after I had took a shower and washed away all traces of my near death experience, I vowed to seek revenge on the person who gave Mrs Pump the bag of peppermints, and once I found them, I would make them eat buckets of chocolate chip mint ice cream, York patties, and peppermint candies.

The end.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Oh Darling Chin, Be Mine?

I have a Youtube account, and I could really use some more subscribers, if you would.

The below is one of my most recent videos. Like and subscribe, please?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I have an idea.

It all started with a close friend. It seems as though she can never like a guy worth liking, and after a bit of thought, it occurred to me that she wasn't using any judge of character at all; She wasn't going for guys that met her list of requirements because she didn't have one.

I know I've posted something like this before, but it's so true. It really is nice to make yourself a list of what you want in a significant other, simply because sometimes when you're in major like, you tend to ditch all of your previous virtues and standards. Sad, but true.

I decided it was time to set the girl right. I purchased us each a notebook, and laid out some rules. Here's how I thought this could down:

On a piece of paper, write down all of the really important qualities that you think are a must in a future interest. Write down anything that comes to mind; Good with kids, sense of humor, Christian, mild tempered, outgoing, sensitive, etc.

After you write down all of the qualities you've ever loved, write down more. Name a few things you think would be a plus, instead of a must. Things that would be nice to have in someone, but not an absolute must. Maybe you think it would be nice if they knew how to cook, but it wouldn't be a necessity. Just write down things that you've always dreamed of your "perfect" spouse having.

Now, once you've got all that done, re-read what you wrote. If it looks like you're being too picky, then you've done a topnotch job! Really girls, it's all about being picky! Be picky when it comes to having a relationship with someone! If you've got morals and standards, then you have every right to be picky. That's not to say you should pass up an entirely marvelous man simply because he doesn't meet every single one of your Plus List qualities, but you SHOULD make your list of requirements actually mean something. In other words, make the requirements REQUIREMENTS.

If you're a sensible person, you'll have a reasonable list put together and only the right guy will read that list and not think you're asking too much of anyone.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm Old.

Growing up. Easily one of the hardest things there is to do in life.

Though only 18, I've already reached that point in life where I can tell I'm more adult than I am teenager. More matters; Relationships, careers, money, school, religion, people...all my views on things have changed.

Take people for example. My feelings and opinions of people have changed so much from just last year. It's when I'm around a group of preteen girls, who giggle nonstop and are obnoxiously stupid, that I realize how old I truly feel. I wonder, "Did I act like that? Did other people find me as annoying as I find these girls?" It makes me feel like such an old coot, but I can't stop it.

Then there's relationships. Not just romantically, but friendly as well. I'm less worried about keeping my friends as I was awhile back. Not because I don't want them around, but because I've come to know how much people can change in a short period of time, and I know that things can't stay the same. I'm learning more about who my real friends are and who are simply just there.

As for romantically, I'm more into taking relationships seriously than I was before. I want to get married, have kids, have a house. I want to find someone who will provide for me and my family, who will be a true man and be responsible. I want to take that next step into adulthood. That part of life doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon, though, so I'll continue to wait.

I've started developing my own opinions on all sorts of topics, religion especially. I'm more interested than ever in what God has in store for me and how He plans for me to get there. I'm more serious about further growing my relationship with Him. It's at this point in my life that I need to trust Him the most, though sometimes it's hard.

Before I would take free time for granted, but with work and school going on, I really appreciate my days off. I'm working towards a better future for myself, but it's so nice to have a breather every once in awhile to keep from going insane.

During work and school days, I'm the more serious side of myself, making sure I get my work done and do well in my classes. On my days off, I feel more like my old self, taking pictures and hanging with friends. It's sort of like living a double life in a sense.

This isn't a post of complaint. Simply a post of realization and acceptance.

I am old and that's ok.

Friday, September 23, 2011


#1. I don't get Tumblr.

#2. Mary Poppins is much too long of a movie.

#3. I love hats, and that's what I want to share with the world today.

Ever since I was young, I have loved hats. I loved them, but I myself could never wear them. Anyone with fluffy hair such as mine knows better than to put anything out of the ordinary on top of you head, or else you shall suffer from "Lion's Mane". Lion's Mane looks a little something like this...

Sigh. Curse thick, curly hair!

But alas, I digress. Hats are something of a weakness to me. There's just something about a nice hat that can totally complete an outfit in ways a nice pair of Converse can't. Take the following for example.

Cloche: "A close-fitting woman's hat with a bell-like shape"

I love cloches! I myself own two different cloche-style hats, one purple and the other red. Though I've heard many a time that they greatly resemble a bucket when worn, I tend to find them oddly fashionable and spicy. Yes, I said spicy. Deal.

Fedora: "A soft felt hat with a fairly low crown creased lengthwise and a brim that can be turned up or down."

Good gosh, I love fedoras! Fedoras are so great because they can either make a guy look super serious(like on johnny above) or they can do a complete fashion 180 and give a nice, fun look, like with a straw or light colored fedora. Either way, I love how they look on guys.

Bowler: "a stiff felt hat with a rounded crown and narrow curved brim"

One of my newest hat obsessions would be the bowler hat, which to me gives the wearer a look of humble intelligence. Simple, yet classy.

Top Hat: "a tall, cylindrical hat with a stiff brim usually slightly curved on the sides, worn by men especially on formal occasions."

My absolute favorite type of hat EVER. I love them! When a man wears a top hat, he is showing how classy and manly he really is. They ooze debonair, handsome, confident, clean, gentlemanly, slyness, and power. Absolutely swoon worthy.

Of course, there's many other marvelous hats out there to be ogled upon, but for now I will leave you with these little eye pleasers.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cutest Kitten Ever

I've been told I need to post, so post I shall!

First off, something that's been on my mind that I'd like to get out of the way: I'm super glad that I don't wear bucket loads of make-up. I loathe it oh-so-much. Even just a little bit makes my face feel 5 pounds heavier and I feel sooo self conscious. It's ok on special occasions, but every day? No thanks.

Another thing I've been thinking a lot about is my friends. They mean so much more to me as of late than they will ever know. Something about being 18-almost-19 and trying to get a move on with my adulthood makes days spent with close friends that much more important and special.

I'm currently undergoing some EXTREME leg pain right now. It feels a lot like growing pains, so maybe I'm going to get a bit taller? That would be pretty awesome...

I just thought of a topic for my next blog post.

So I joined the band wagon a few years late and got myself a Tumblr. Tried it and failed at it. Apparently I'm getting too old for all this new age stuff. Speaking of which, who all uses or has heard of Google+?

And now, I will leave you with this super cute video of the world's most adorable kitten.

Oh my goodness. I seriously started crying over how freakin' adorable that kitten was. I just love his little waddle and tubby little legs and the ending!!! *dies*

Day 30: Your favorite song at this time last year

Since I decided not to post the same song 3 times(darn green day at their epicness!), I went with what I know for a fact was my current song obsession at this time last year.

Ryan and I had decided this was our relationship's theme song at the time. You know, full of confessions about hidden feelings, declarations of trust, first time couple-ness...*sighs* Time flies by so fast.

Anyways, I love Taylor. New CD please, Ms Swift?

Day 29: A song from your childhood

Let me just take a moment to to say that Mmmbop is where it was AT!

Back then, the youngest brother(Zac) was the cute one I had a crush on, Taylor looked like a girl, and Isaac was that oldest, creepier brother that I never really liked.

Basically, they were the Jonas Brothers of the 90s and I loved them. The biggest difference between JB and Hanson, though?

As Hanson got older, their talent and looks grew. Sorry Jo Bros, but it's true.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty

I have a guilty confession to make...

I'm sort of kind of super really into this song at the moment.

Yes, it's a Lil Wayne song.

Help me.

Day 27: A song that you wish you could play

So who's tired of hearing of this song?

Seriously. I wish so badly that I could play this on the piano. It's beautiful and gives me butterflies of enjoyment.

Maybe one day Rhino will learn it for me? *bats eyelashes*

Day 26: A song that you can play on an instrument


Aaaand this song...

Aaaand the piano...

Day 25: A song that makes you laugh

This song makes me smile every time I give it a listen.

Also, I can never ever go through a drive-thru at night without thinking of this song.

"There's some idiot in a Volvo/With his brights on behind me/I lean out the window and scream,/"Hey what you tryin' to do, blind me?"

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 24: A song you want to play at your funeral

Such a grim thought, but ever since I first heard this song, I thought it would be a nice funeral song.

Gosh, I'm so morbid. . .Anyways!

This song is beautiful. Especially this piano cover version. It makes me want to cry and smile at the same time, which makes no sense. Would I do that at a funeral? I don't know, and I don't want to find out.

This is a depressing post. Forgive me and just enjoy the song.

Day 23: A song you want to play at your wedding

Is this not the best song on the planet?

Soothing, smooth, catchy, and it just screams slow dance.

This is also one of the few songs that I enjoy singing along to. ♥

Day 22: A song you listen to when you're sad

Refer to Day 20.

Day 21: A song you listen to when you're happy

This song makes me smile. ^_^

*dreamy sigh*

Day 20: A song you listen to when you're angry

Confession! I don't listen to music when I'm angry.

Seriously. That's one of the LAST things I want to do. Basically, I can't listen to music whenever I'm sick, angry, or upset. It just annoys me and makes things worse.

Strange? Maybe. But I mean, I just wouldn't be me if I weren't a little unique.

Advertisement for...myself.

Want to see my pictures? Go to my deviantART.

Want to see my videos? Go to my Youtube.

Want to ask me something? Go to my Formspring.

Those three sites(plus this blog) have been updated and personalized. Yes, I am shamelessly promoting myself. Oh, and before I forget. . . LOOK WHAT I MADE!

Nothing special, but I like it. Later!

When the moon hits your eyes...

Picture this.

It's 8 o' clock on a nice summer night. There's a full moon, 76° weather, and a light breeze. You're at the park, eating pizza that has some of your favorite toppings on it, then you get invited to go for a stroll in the park. You talk, you laugh, you love, and you wish time could stop for a bit so that you can live in this perfect moment for just a little while longer.

If that isn't amore, I don't know what is.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 19: A song from your favorite album

American Idiot is my current favorite album. This is probably my 2nd favorite song on that album, my first being(of course) Wake Me Up When September Ends. Seeing as I already posted WMUWSE though, I'll just post this.

Three cheers for epic Green Day songs!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The History of Rhino


No. . . not that Rhino. I mean THIS Rhino!

See? It was an easy mistake to make, I'm sure.

Some of you may be wondering why I call Ryan "Rhino". Funny story, actually. See, it went a little something like this. . .

I remember the first time I ever talked to Ryan in person. We were lucky enough to get on the same soccer team way back in 2006. He was super shy and VERY antisocial. I decided right away that I liked him though, and did my best to pretend I was a super outgoing person so I could get to know him better.

After some talking and waiting ever so impatiently for our first soccer practice together to start, our coach came. We talked, we listened, and then we got to play. It took a while to really notice anything funny about him, but eventually I realized that Ryan ran in a very unique way. Whereas most people were either floppy-armed, uncoordinated, or super straight, Ryan charged.

I'm not talking "Oh, he was really fast, watch out", either. I'm talking full on, head down, body straight, stiff back, full sprint CHARGING. So basically, if you had the ball and you were on the opposite team, he looked like this. . .

Or maybe this better conveys how he was. . .

Of course, you can't have someone run like that and NOT give them the super snazzy nickname of "Rhino". I can't recall when I first told him that he greatly resembled a charging rhinoceros, or how long it took for it to stick, but I'm rather glad the name has stuck with him for so long. I mean, it's fitting if you think about it.

Rhinos are strong, Ryan's strong.

Rhinos are tough, Ryan can be sort of tough.

Rhinos are big, Ryan is big(tall).

Rhinos have dry, gray skin, Ryan has. . .um, the exact opposite.

And there you have it! The history of Rhino. Hopefully this was mildly entertaining and maybe even a little bit insightful as to how silly we really are. Love you, Ryan! ;]

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 18: A song you wish you heard on the radio

If I could just randomly hear this playing on the radio at some point in my life and it could become a HUGE hit, I would be the happiest listener alive.

Seriously. I love this song so much!

This song + the repeat button + 50 billion times a day = One very happy Puma

Day 17: A song you hear often on the radio.

. . . . See Day 16.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Some ranting

I am so freakin' tired of hypocrites.

I'm so tired of the fakers; Fake friends, fake tough guys, fake nice guys, fake Christians. . .all of them. I'm tired of people saying one thing, but then doing another. I'm tired of sitting back and watching all the fakers, too.

This Summer has changed me in so many ways. I feel so much more mature in many different ways, one of those ways being spiritual. I've grown so much closer to the Lord this Summer and my look on life has changed. I've recently changed how I view certain things of the world, and I personally think it's for the better.

For example, I can't stand celebrities now. It just dawned on me one day how absolutely pointless they really are. It made me sick to my stomach to think about how society has made us come to believe that there are people who are better than us; That someone can be of a higher "rank" than us, and be worth more to the world. I mean, really? I can't stand seeing how much people care about celebrities now! All I can think is, "Wow. They have all that fame and money. I wonder how they're using that to help others." And the sad thing is, they aren't. They are just regular people who have somehow been put on these invisible but sadly, very real social pedestals, all because we somehow believe they are "better" than normal.

I've decided to have more spine when it comes to dealing with my friends, too. I'm through with dealing with hypocrites; My youth group made a pact to change, and that's what we need to do. No more being two-faced, no more judging, no more lazing around. I want us to live how GOD intended us to and how we promised we'd live after SPLASH. We should be better examples to the world, and if we're sitting around being two-faced, how are we to share His love properly?

Of course, I'm not saying that I'm totally innocent in all of this, but I AM trying my best to change. I want to be a better example and role model to others. I also want to live more for Him and less for me, because He really does care and help in more ways than anyone can imagine. I'm just so ready to take it all to the extreme, and I pray that I stay feeling the way I do.

Maybe you, the dear reader, could keep my youth group and I in your prayers? Just pray that we stick with what we have now and pray that we can take it to the extreme and share it with everyone we come in contact with.


Day 16: A song that you used to love but now hate

Pardon my Internet lingo, but oh em gee. This song used to please my ears to the greatest extent.

Now every time I hear it, I want to ram two fluffy little bunnies into my ears and use them as earplugs. I absolutely cannot stand this song anymore.

Thanks a lot, 107.5. . .

Dates, and I don't mean fruit.

Let's get one thing straight:

I love going on dates.

Seriously! Though I've only ever been on proper dates with my marvelous boyfriend, I love them. El-oh-vee-ee them! It has come to my attention though that I am apparently confused as to what a "proper" date is.

As I was perusing, I came across this little article.

"Don't Take A Woman Here!"

Within that article was a list of places that men shouldn't take women on dates. On this list was sport themed places, theme parks, chain restaurants, paintball, and more. Am I missing something?

Did I miss the memo that females are supposed to get once they hit their dating years that tells them that going out and doing fun things with the guy they like is what counts as a "total dating disaster"?

This is truly something that REALLY gets on my nerves. I hate that so many people think that dates have to be pricey and super out-there in order to be any fun. I mean, come on!

Paintball with a boyfriend? Epic idea.

McDonald's for dinner? Totally ok with me.

Day spent at the soccer fields? Heck yeah!


Maybe I'm just very easily pleased, but I believe dates should be about spending quality one-on-one time with the one you love, not trying to impress anyone. Sure, there's nothing wrong with a little spoiling every great once in awhile, but I have to say, my top 3 favorite dates with Ryan(not including our first) would have to be these:

1. Going fishing together.

2. Going hiking at Long C Trails.

3. Playing Scrabble at the park, and then star gazing.

Call me simple, but those were some amazing times together.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 15: A song that describes yourself

I honestly have no idea what to put for this one.

After a long period of time in which my brain almost exploded from all the thinking, I came to this conclusion:

How about YA'LL tell me a song that you think describes me?

And no, I'm not just saying this because I'm lazy. ;P

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love

In all honesty, I surprised myself by falling in love with this song.

I mean, I'm not usually into all that dance/techno crap. But this song. . . It's very catchy. So catchy, that I dance every time I hear it on the radio. I'll be driving down the road, stony faced, and then this song will come on.

Needless to say, I turn into quite the party animal for the next 4 minutes.

Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure

Puh, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with loving some old school Nsync.

I mean, are you haters blind?! It's Justin and JT! Like, oh em gee!

*ahem* Seriously though. I was a big Nsync fangirl back in the day.

Day 12: A song from a band you hate

Hate Maroon 5.

Love this song.

Go figure.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 11: A song from your favorite band

My favorite bands are:

1. All American Rejects

2. Green Day

3. Weezer

4. Beatles

5. Nevershoutnever

Random fact that has nothing to do with this super great song.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep

Oh my goodness. This song is AMAZING.

It's got such a nice rhythm to it. It just feels so romantic and sweet. It makes me want to slow dance with a Buddy Holly-type guy at the school dance, you know?

Also, it makes for a great lullaby. ♥

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 9: A song that you can dance to

I really love 50s music. Pretty much every song from that time makes me want to get up and jive.

Wonder where I can get a poodle skirt. . .

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 8: A song that you know all the words to

Love. This. Song.

Me and the fam(minus one very young Sam-bo) went to a Weird Al concert once upon a time, and he sang this song. That night was also the night we went to Steak-&-Shake for the first time ever, got to explore a beautiful part of Knoxville, and discovered the true talent that is Weird Al Yankovic.

Yup. Definitely one of my favorite memories.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Everyday, it's a gettin' closer. . .

As some of you may have seen, I have a new poll up. Question of the week?

"Is the Buddy Holly look hot or not?"

Already, there's someone who doesn't know who Buddy Holly is, and to that person, I say "tsk!" Buddy Holly is probably the coolest cat of the 50s. His better known songs would have to be Everyday, It's So Easy, and Maybe Baby.

So now that we know his music was great, let's talk about his style. Let's take a gander, shall we?

Mhmm. Glasses.

Know what's crazy, though? Buddy Holly looks a LOT like someone I know...

What? Who's that? Oh right! It's Ryan! =D

But ignore that last part. I want to know what YOU guys think of the Buddy Holly look. Are the thick dark glasses a hit or a miss? Vote now!

Day 7: A song that reminds you of a certain event

This song reminds me of being on the Gravitron with my youth group a few years ago.

We were strapped on, spinning mercilessly, and the guy who ran the ride(who got to stand in the center while we spun around him) started dancing to and singing Poker Face.

I might have maybe tried to join in, until I realize Poker Face could very easily turn into Puker Face.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 6: A song that reminds you of somewhere

I can remember laying on a bed in a condo in Destin, Florida, listening to this song over and over and over again.

That was the first year we had ever went to Destin, and it was also the year I discovered one of my favorite bands.

I can practically smell the ocean breeze now. . .

Day 5: A song that reminds you of someone

This song reminds me of my best friends, Tonya and Kirstin.

Sitting in the McDonald's parking lot, hot Summer day, singing this song with the sunroof open. Great times. ^_^

P.S. Notice that I have a new doobly doo(yes, i just quoted wheezy waiter) on the side of my page. Use it to ask me any question at all. Please, no creeps, scary people, or freaky weirdos.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 4: A song that makes you sad

Yup. This is sad. I've definitely had my moments where I could relate to these lyrics.

Poor creepy guy. =(

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 3: A song that makes you happy

Hello! It's a song about life being like lemonade, which is the bestest non-carbonated drink out there!

Mmm. Lemonade. ♥

Day 2: Your least favorite song

Um...if it's my least favorite, why would I post the video?

You really want to know my absolute MOST hated song ever? Click on the word "hate" to listen.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 1: Your favorite song

Picking an absolute favorite song out of millions is hard for everyone. Everyone, that is, except for me.

Wake Me Up When September Ends has been my absolute favorite song ever since I first heard it many years ago. The whole thing(music, video, lyrics) is sad, but I think that's part of why I like it so much. I could listen to it over and over and over again and not get sick of it. In fact, it's the first song I like to jump to and put on repeat whenever I have American Idiot in my car.


I believe the correct word would be "huzzah"

Yesssss ♥

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Girl Power!

So basically, I love good, strong female leads in books and movies. I love it when someone creates the Anti-Princess Peach; A female who can take care of herself if need be, yet still able to be ladylike and dignified.

This blog shall be a memorial of sorts to some of my favorite fictional female characters. Starting off the list of super kick butt gals? Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Katara is epic. She's gorgeous, she's a leader, she's smart, and she knows how to hold her own in a battle against the Fire Nation. Katara is basically everything I want to see in a female lead. I love how she knows how to balance being a lover and a fighter perfectly. She's protective of her loved ones, she knows what she believes in, and yet she's very caring and sensitive to those in need.

Another perfectly marvelous character is Toph Bei Fong, the blind Earth Bender.

Out of all the characters on Avatar, Toph is my number one favorite(with Zuko following behind in a close second). I absolutely LOVE everything there is about her! I love how she's handicapped, but doesn't let it stop her. She's witty, determined, tough as nails, and yet she lets her soft side shine through when she thinks it appropriate and helpful. Toph definitely has some qualities that I wish I could obtain, simply because I think she's a great role model, even if she's nothing but a mere cartoon. . .

While the two above are just fine and dandy, one simply cannot forget the epic awesomeness of Mara Jade Skywalker.

My absolute, without a doubt, single most favorite female character EVER. She's a chick with a sketchy past, one that she overcame in the name of love. She's super hardcore, knows her weapons, can easily take care of herself, yet she also understands the importance of teamwork and unity. She soon becomes a mother, and even then, she's still so super in tune with her surroundings and with herself. She's a go-getter with a fierce determination, and I really admire that about her.

There's so many great fictional role models out there(Jo March, Sally, Elizabeth Swann, Anne Shirley, Stargirl, etc)! So many great role models, and yet most girls these days don't want to be like these great heros. No, they'd rather be more like Bella Swan. . .

"Oh, I'm so dramatic but still so cool! Look at me and my permanently pouty facial expressions that would look more realistic on a rock. Oh, I'm just so pitiful and misunderstood, I just need someone, anyone, who will love me. I like to act like I know how to take care of myself, when really I'm just seeking attention and want someone to pity me then give me pity love. I'm just soo great, and yes, I have marvelous style. Ratty converse with a prom dress? Yes, please! Oh, worship me, youth of America, because you know you love my drama filled sap fests of vampire/werewolf love." -- Bella Swan

Psht, puh-leez.


I'm such a failure.

Here I am, a so called "artist", and I haven't taken any really good pictures or made any interesting videos in at LEAST a month. How pathetic is that?!

Seeing as my work load as decreased greatly as of late, I have decided that I will spend my newly found free time getting back into what I love, which is creating the unique.

Also, I plan on writing a lot more. Partly because I hate having a blog and not using it, and partly because I really do miss sharing my thoughts with random readers.

I currently have 2 videos and a few photo shoot ideas in my head that are simply going to have to come out soon or else I will explode. Simple as that.

Encouragement to turn back into the old Puma would be awesome, if you don't mind.

Peace and Love!

Monday, June 27, 2011


As usual, I am late in joining in on the "cool" thing to do, as I just recently created a Youtube account.

Subscribe, please?

One Day, It'll Happen

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

To Rhino

I love. . .

Your hair. Your eyes. Your smile. Your dimple. Your unique personality. Your determination. Your loyalty. Your funny faces. Your style. Your randomness. Your taste in music. Your talents. Your caring nature. Your sweet surprises. Your ability to make me feel better, always. Your smell. Your love of God. Your extroversion. Your ideas. Your growing independency. Your protection. Your strength. Your brains. Your hugs. Your kisses. Your sometimes super flirtatiousness. Your nerdiness. Your dorky pickup lines. Your love.

I love YOU.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Interesting Analysis

Picture this:

You work at McDonald's. You clock in at 6am, which is when the restaurant opens. You have a gist as to what to expect for the day. but you still know that with all of those crazy customers, anything could happen. There's nothing to do besides clean for the first hour or so. . . then the clock strikes 7.

Suddenly the place is alive! There's orders popping up on the screen, things that need to be done, goals to achieve. Why did things just randomly start happening? They started happening because of the order taker.

Bored with this post yet? Don't worry, there's a point to all of this. My point is this; Isn't the order taker at McDonald's a lot like God in a sense?

Yeah, I know that's crazy to say, but hear me out! Without the order taker, we workers wouldn't know what to do. We would laze around and wonder what the day would bring. But since we DO have an order taker, it's our job to listen to them, pay attention to their instructions, and do as they say to better please them and others(others being the customer).

By simply swapping out a few choice words, we get the whole basis of Christianity. As Christians, our job is to listen to God. We are to follow Him, worship Him, and do as He says. We do all of that to do His Will, which pleases Him and also makes us better examples to others.

The order taker gets upset whenever there's a particularly difficult customer? How about God gets upset whenever there's a particularly difficult person? If we just keep doing our own thing and never listen to Him, everything gets confusing and jumbled up, and then that whole experience is sour to the memory.

Call me crazy, but the similarities are numerous.

(note: this blog in no way goes to say that i believe order takers are these amazing beings. just as in certain simulation games in which you control everyone's lives, these people control us at work)

2 Guys, 600 Pillows

These guys inspire me to become a better artist.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A chance to redeem myself. . .

So graduation night came, I listened to my Dad's speech, and then it was my turn. There was SO much that I wanted to say, but for fear of completely losing it and gaining the reputation of "the cry baby", I simply failed and just kept saying how thankful I was for everything, over and over again.

I'm lame, I know.

Anyways, I figured I should take this chance to maybe say what I had originally wanted to share with all of those people whom I've known for most of my life. The moment may be gone for the majority of you, but for me, the awe is still there. So, without further ado, I give you the speech that should have been said.

I can't believe I made it!

I tried and tried for a long time to think of some sort of great and amazing speech to give today, but after thinking about it, I've decided to just wing it.

First off, one of the main reasons why I'm here today is my parents, so they should definitely be mentioned. I could do the typical "good child" thing and just give the basic, "they did everything for me and I love them" thing, but I'm not typical.

My parents have done MORE than everything for me. Not only have they raised and taken care of me, they've also loved, taught, encouraged, helped, and guided me. My dad, with his outgoing personality and unique sense of humor, my mom with our SUPER alike minds and tons of inside jokes, spending family days together making memories, getting advice when I needed it, being chauffeured around. . .they really are my everything, and the ones I try hardest to make proud. I love you both so, so much and I can't thank you enough. I won't ever be able to thank you enough.

I feel as though I need to thank a few of my closet friends, as well. The ones that make up "the gang". Tonya, you are one of the best gal pals I have ever had. I know that times change, and people too, but I love how we are always able to make it through those changes to still stay so close. Kirstin, we have had QUITE the roller coaster ride with our friendship. After getting over a few minor bumps though, I'm glad I can say that we're such great friends. Jesse, we got lucky. We're lucky that we can be siblings and still get along so awesome. If it weren't for you, my childhood just wouldn't have been as crazy. Same goes for Sam; Without you guys, my days would be without adventure. There's one more person that I guess I should mention, since I reckon he IS a pretty swell guy that deserves to be thanked. . .

Ryan. Gosh, we've been through a LOT. If someone had told me 5 years ago that we would be where we are today, I'd have just told them "Here's hoping!" I can't even think of how best to tell you how thankful I am for you. You really are an amazing guy, and I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of us ALL.

Of course, none of this could have been possible without the help of our amazing God, who for some reason decided we should be so lucky as to enjoy this time of celebration together. Now there's someone I REALLY can't thank enough!

Thank you everyone who made this all possible.

(there's no way i could have said any of that without totally exploding into a blubbering mass of salty tears)

I'm graduated.

Graduation was. . .








All in all, I wouldn't mind it in the least if I could have the chance to relive that night.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's coming. . .

Graduation is tomorrow.

Wait, was that clear enough for everyone? Did it fully sink in? Let me repeat it once more: Graduation, the day of celebrating no more high school EVER, is TOMORROW.

I feel old.

Not like my normal complain-about-aching-joints-I'm-almost-19 old, either. This is an entirely new feeling; A feeling of adulthood.

Sure, I've got the job, the car, the serious boyfriend, etc. but this is different. This is basically ending my childhood for good. It's a turn of the page, a throw of the dice, a step into the Great Unknown.

Is it exciting? Heck yes! But it's also really, really scary. It's scary because I'm afraid I'll get out of there, then dillydally my time away, forgetting to work towards my bigger goal. Of course, as long as I have loved ones helping to keep me focused, I should stay right on track. But still. . . it's intimidating.

I'm interested to see where my fellow seniors end up in life. Just the first year will be interesting enough. Who will go to college? Who will get a new job? Who will change first? Who will be the one who stays the same? Who will stay in touch? Who will slowly become Old What-their-face?

I feel like I'm about to lose my train of thought. Guess being up this late does that to a person. Farewell, my friends. This will probably be the last post I write as a teen in high school. Wow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Seriously. Life is CRAZY right now! Not to say that I don't love it though, because I do. I love it so very, very much. I'm all for going going going, and so far I've yet to have any major meltdowns. Heck, if I think about it, there's really not any time to have a meltdown, big or small! Would you guys be interested in a little insight as to what all is going on right now? Maybe? Possibly? Is there anyone who even cares or still reads this old thing? Guess we'll find out. . .

So. CNA classes. It's only day 2 of a 2 1/2 week course, and already I'm really enjoying it. I'm already looking forward to trying something new, dealing with the residents, working for a cause, and (hopefully) being all that I can be.

Another thing with it being only the 2nd day of class is that the tests haven't been THAT hard yet. I've already had 10 tests(one of them being pretty difficult for a newbie such as myself) and I've got 100s on all but one, that one being a 97 and the hardest and longest test so far. That being said, I'm also getting the best test grades of the class SO FAR. Before you start judging and thinking, "Oh, she's so braggy, what a teacher's pet", hear me out.

The 6 other people in this class are really and truly something else. I thought some of the people I deal with at work were bad; These people are ANIMALS. I won't go into any further details about them(mostly because they aren't even worth talking about), but my point is this: Whenever I'm around my less-than-great peers, I instantly get this insane desire to try my best at whatever it is I'm doing. I mean, I try my best anyways, but when I'm around my peers, the ones who make my day hard and make me so mad I could spit, I turn into this mini version of Super Girl and I work ten times harder than I probably should.

These lesser workers seem to think that there's no one to impress, but in actuality, I find that there's ALWAYS someone you could work at making a good impression on. Leaders, customers, coworkers, family, friends, even God. . .they can ALL be impressed, and I love that. I'm a sucker for praise and acknowledgment, what can I say?

So aside from the whole career thing, I've also got new hours at work to look forward to, graduation this month, a state test, trying to spend as much time with loved ones as I can, and then somehow managing to keep up with all of my beloved hobbies that I used to have extra time for.

Like I said before; It's busy, but I love it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Your Smile ♥

This song makes me happy. Give it a listen?



My first day is tomorrow. This is great, but it also means that the next 2 1/2 weeks are going to be crazy hectic, especially with class all day, work all night, and then graduation coming up later in the month.

God has SERIOUSLY been blessing me so much lately, and it makes me so sad and guilty because I feel as though I haven't had any time to properly spend any time with Him! It's amazing how caught up one can get in life, when HE is the reason any of it is happening.

I've finally got a sort of plan formed, and I'm really excited about it all. I just hope so badly that it all ends out well and I don't have a major moment of brain-exploding stress.

So basically, this is just a short post asking for prayer. I'm going to need it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Dear Immature People,

Do me a favor, and grow up a bit. I'm tired of your mouth, your actions, and your overall filthy being. Stop being perverted and stop making things so awkward. It isn't cute at all; As a matter of fact, it just makes you look stupid and disgusting to those of us who actually have standards and morals.

With all due respect that you probably don't even deserve and yet you will receive anyways,


Love them, love them not

Have you ever before in your life seen someone and just INSTANTLY disliked someone, before you even began to know them?

I have, and it's so peculiar. While I wasn't wrong in thinking that this person and myself could not get along, I had to ponder why it is that people do that; Why do we base our likes and dislikes so much on sight?

Food, books covers, movie posters, clothes, and appearance. . .how is it that we can judge so readily simply by giving something(or someone) the once over?

It really is an interesting thought, and if you know me well, you know that I love a little mind tickling.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I wish. . .

. . . I were glad that I'm getting better at holding my tongue(instead, i just feel mousy).

. . . I were better at planning for the future(because i'm so worried about messing it up, i've got almost no certain plans).

. . . That my creativity would come back(i miss being able to remember good ideas).

. . . Or rather, PRAY, that I will pass my driving test(i'm so super nervous).

. . . I could see Ryan way more than I already do(because i'm stingy like that).

. . . That more people weren't like themselves and were instead more like different people(in my mind, this makes sense).

Random Update

Yes, I have decided that I wanted a Shoutbox on my blog yet again. Is it a waste of space? Eh, probably.

But hey, at least my blog now has that "I'm so cool" feel to it. ;P

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pushing Daisies

Someone PLEASE tell me that I'm not the only one who absolutely adores this show.

Thanks to the wonderful world of Netflix, I am hooked. I just can't get enough of this quirky show, with it's interesting story, super sweet characters, and awesome filming techniques. It's really unlike any other show out there, and I love that.

Plus, Ned and Chuck are adorable together. Oh my goodness. I squee every time they find a way to have a sweet moment together. ♥

I am so going to cry whenever I reach the ending of the last episode. . .

Friday, April 15, 2011

So it's another post about work. Sue me!

You know what I would LOVE to do? I would love to try my hand at making a documentary. Not just any documentary, though; I want to make one about McDonald's.

I want to show people what goes on behind the scenes. I think people would be really interested to see how their food is made, and by whom. I want to show what all is involved regarding the smaller things, like cleaning and stocking. I want to show how the employees interact with one another and how they treat the new kids.

I want to show that working in fast food isn't actually just "flippin' patties". I want people to see how hard it actually is to deal with every type of person there is, every single day. How challenging it is to get chewed out and made to feel 2 inches tall, then regain your composure in 5 seconds and act like nothing ever happened as the next customer pulls up.

There's actually so much more to working at McDonald's then people think there is, and that's why I think it would be awesome to give a presentation about it. Not only to show appreciation to some of the employees, but also to maybe scare some youth into only working at McDonald's for a teenage living and NOT as an adulthood job.

Just a thought. . .

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Workin' 9-5! Woo!

Do you ever do something and then instantly have a song stuck in your head that matches EXACTLY what you're going through at the moment? I do it all the time, and yesterday was no exception.

As I was at work for the longest time EVER, different songs kept popping into my head, each one describing how I felt at the time. Here's a list of some of the songs that were on repeat on my Cranium Player.

It's A Hard Knock Life - Annie

Perfect Situation - Weezer

Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

I Wanna Go Home - A personal song written by Mwah

Ahh. . .how interesting the human mind is.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

You're getting veeeery sleepy. . .

There's a lot going on in my life that isn't set in stone, but of one thing I am absolutely 100% positive of; Sleep is amazing.

It really is. I love being extra super tired and then putting on my favorite pajamas(which may or may not consist of capris covered is cartoon cats and a Bert shirt). The best part, though? Covering up in my blankets.

Oh. My. Goodness. I LOVE my blankets! I looove super soft things, and I just so happen to have 2 really, REALLY super soft blankets that I can't do without. They're both huge and soft and amazing. Wow. I love them.

I also love hugging something while I'm falling asleep. Whether it's a wadded up blanket, a small heart shaped pillow, or a boyfriend pillow, it feels so good. Something else that feels good is putting my penguin pillow pet on the top half of my face. Now THAT is relaxing.

I'm exhausted, in case you couldn't tell. When I'm hungry, I talk about food. When I'm tired, I talk about sleep. Go figure. . .

Zzz. . .

Sleepy thoughts

Thanks to a brilliant idea from one of my bestest buddies, I'ma post a very random, very insightful blog post tomorrow filled with pictures, weirdness, and captions.

Has anyone else seen Limitless yet? If you haven't, you should. Why? Because it's like Inception, Sherlock Holmes, and Scott Pilgrim all mixed together, making for one very epic movie.

I ♥ Dancing With The Stars.

I am, for some reason, very excited about having senior pictures taken this month. They're going to be so much fun!

I feel sick. Waking up at 8, going to work for 7 hectic hours, going on a date with Ryan, coming home at 12, then contemplating sleep at after 2 in the morning tends to make one feel queasy.

Top hats are probably one of the coolest accessories you can own.

Picky people irk me to no end.

And that's all she wrote, folks!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This Is A Song Of Power

I looove the feeling I get from this song.

I love how the lyrics are just so seemingly defiant. I just feel like this guy did NOT want to die without a fight, and I really like that for some reason.

The man in the song(be it Cash himself or someone else completely) is a fighter and takes no lip from anyone.

Listen and comment?

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Honest To Goodness Hero

I want to talk about what's on my mind, and what's on my mind is Ryan. Don't want to hear about him? Then stop reading this right now.

All I've been able to think for the past few days is "Wow". He's been doing so much lately, and I love him for it. He's gotten a tough job, been working hard, gotten more determined, more independent, and much more. . .manly.

That last part probably made some of you laugh or at least snort a little bit, but it's TRUE. He really has gotten more manlike. He doesn't have your average first job; He works in a warehouse, cleaning and loading huge tires and such. Not only that, but he works with mostly Mexicans, ones who speak very little English. He recently found out that most of the white guys they hire don't last even a month, so now Ryan is determined to change that.

Aside from having a job, he's also REALLY stepped up to the plate of being THE best boyfriend he can possibly be. He tries his best to see me when he can, he's sweet, he listens, he's always up for whatever plans I come up with, he surprises me, he's encouraging, he's loyal, he's honest, and so much more. Basically, he does more than just tells me he loves me; He SHOWS me as well.

Ryan honestly has no idea how proud I am of him for being the guy he is today. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. I love you, babe. Can't wait to see you next! ♥

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Waking up before the sun?

Not cool, man. Not cool at all.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Laaaame and Boring

I could spin some type of tale to tell you that would fit right in with the whole newbie holiday traditions of April Fool's Day, but how about I tell you a few things that are actually true that may surprise you?

1. To get into my bed at night, I jump over the rug and onto the mattress. Otherwise, I feel as though something will grab my feet while climbing into the covers. >_>

2. I like to pretend that my cat Percy is actually an Animagus.

3. I have gotten bit, stepped on, and shook by various horses, but I still love them.

4. I secretly wish SO BADLY that fairies were real.

5. I think it would be awesome if people didn't have to use the bathroom.

The Opposite Sides

I HATE it when guys don't open the door for girls.

You honestly have no idea how badly that bugs me. It's sad how guy's manners have dropped so greatly. I mean, they curse in front of women, they talk dirty in a crowd, they don't care if they're clean(either in body OR soul), and they don't open those darn doors for people!

I see so many rude guys every single day at work and I'm thinking, "Ew." That's really all I can think. They have no idea how much they've lost any respect that I might could of had for them. And really, that's what being a man is about, right? Being respected, being treated like a man, and knowing that you are who the women should be able to look up to?

Sorry, but I just can't do that. I just can't respect a "man" who doesn't act like one.

Seriously. It's not that hard to be a gentleman.

That being said, it's also not that hard to be a lady and more females need to work on that as well.

Women now are so. . .trashy. They're loud, rude, obnoxious, unclean, unpure, and just really out there. Some of them are just so absolutely against their husbands, too. They talk badly about them to others, they complain, they whine, they cheer at their divorces...that's not how it should be!

Women shouldn't be like that. Women should be WOMEN. We should be faithful to our husbands, both verbally and physically. We should know better than to try to be so super independent too. I'm all for being a strong, independent woman, but there really is only so far you can go without having to work respectfully with a man. We shouldn't be flirty with everyone else, we shouldn't talk badly about our kids to others, and we should expect MORE of the men in our lives, just because they should be willing to treat you right. It's a big circle.

I guess it just goes hand in hand; Women needs to be more like ladies, and men need to be more like gentlemen.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I knew you were a new noob.

I wanted some change, so change I got!

New blog background, made by yours truly.

Yeah, I know it's nothing special, but I sort of like the sudden feeling of "BAM! NEWNESS!" I get whenever I see it.

Just sayin'.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh Darling

If you have not heard of Plug In Stereo, I'm here to change that.

You can thank me later after you've watched this video.


I sort of miss my friends.

I hate how things change. How one thing happens, and then suddenly your friends are different.

I haven't had anything even slightly resembling a deep conversation with a gal pal in I don't know how long.

The sad truth is, I don't think they even care.

I can't talk about future plans involving marital stuff because they get "grossed out" and won't listen.

If I say anything at all nice about Ryan, I get attitude or mock revolt which I think is actually only partially meant in a teasing way.

No one outside of Ryan or my family knows about anything going on in my life.

No one outside of them knows what I'm thinking or what I'm feeling, really.

They don't know about any of my future plans or about anything going on at work.

They don't know what all I've been doing to grow myself up a bit.

They don't know anything about me anymore.

Maybe this is part of growing up?

If so, it sucks.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Small World...

"All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?" -The Beatles Eleanor Rigby

This song, though discovered only a few weeks ago, ALWAYS makes me think about how amazing fate really is when it comes to people.

It blows my mind to think that there is someone out there for everyone. Every single one of us has a "certain someone". What's sad is that some of us may never find that one, but still; They're THERE. I don't just mean boy/girl relationships, either. I'm talking about friends too.

As mean as it is, it doesn't actually seem possible for there to be someone for everyone. The honest truth is, it's hard to believe that the one person you can't stand has people that like to hang out with them. Sounds harsh, but am I wrong?

God is absolutely brilliant(totally dumb and obvious thing to say, i know). Think about it; Everyone has a different personality, and yet we can make friends. God gave us the abilities to get along with people, to socialize with them, to build relationships, and so much more.

He puts people in our lives for a reason. I don't believe that anyone is simply just "there". Every single person in your life is there to provide some type of influence whether it be good or bad.

If we have bad people in our lives, I think we should think of them in one of two ways. Either they are in our lives so we can help them or they are there to test us. It makes sense if you think about it...

This is sort of a botched up post, but oh well. Hopefully I've gotten a small portion of my thoughts out well enough to be understood.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Attention, anyone?

Does anyone read this blog anymore? I feel like I'm talking to myself, which seems to be a common thing for me lately...







I totally just spelled that correctly without any help from Google...


Goodnight, world.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Some thoughts

An interesting thought popped into my mind earlier today. It wasn't anything particularly mind blowing, but I found it worthy of a blog post. The thought was this.

"If I were to die RIGHT NOW, what could people say I had accomplished in life?"

It's such an intriguing thought! I'm only 18, but what all do I feel as though I've accomplished? What am I proud of doing? What do I want people to remember me for?

Is there anything that I've done that has inspired anyone? That's actually a really big thing for me; I want to be someone's inspiration. I want to be THAT person, the person you can look up to and go to for help, because you know that they'll ALWAYS be there for you. I want to be a good role model, the one who stands out because of the things I do. Maybe that's shooting a bit high...but then again, maybe it's not.

Would anyone remember me for being a good friend? How about for being a good Christian example? Would they remember the good things first or the bad? Would they first remember that I was a moody person? Would they, upon hearing of my death, instantly recall a time where I wasn't being the best I could be?

This is mostly just a post of questions, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Maybe we should all ponder a bit about things like that, about what we've accomplished and what we haven't. Life is simply too unpredictable and short to laze around and do nothing. I believe that we should get out there and LIVE as best we can. Live like there's no tomorrow, because you never know that there WILL be a tomorrow. We should enjoy what we have, but strive for more. No settling, no wasting time, and no regrets.

Ambition, people. The world needs more ambition.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Hey Baldie!"

I am in love with The Dick Van Dyke show.

I love everything about it! I love the personalities, the time period, the clothes, the situations, the humor, the theme song...everything about it makes me happy.

I think my life would be close to complete if I were to meet Dick Van Dyke before he dies. At 84, he's still got every bit the charm that he did in his 30s and I actually really admire that.

So, meeting Mr Van Dyke. New addition to my life goal list? I'm thinking yes.

A Rather Secret Post

If my friend can be brave enough to post what she really thinks, then I can too.

Sometimes, I get depressed. I'm not talking "Oh, I'm down in the dumps today." I'm talking full out "Why me? Why am I even here?" days. On those days, life is seemingly pointless.

Sometimes I'll feel like I have no true friends; None that actually care about what's going on in my life. None that miss me while they or I am away. None that really NEED me.

Sometimes I'll feel super lonely and sad, just because I'm not doing anything. That's part of why I love working so much. It's something to do and it makes me feel useful and needed.

I often doubt my usefulness to others. I don't know why. There's just something inside my head that just makes me start second guessing my self worth. I have to have some sort of encouragement everyday that I am worth something, or else I'll start thinking emo thoughts or create crazy scenarios in my head.

"Would such and such miss me if I were to die? I wonder who would drop everything to come visit me in the hospital? Who outside of my family really cares about me?"

I know it's dumb to think any of those things. Heck, it's dumb to feel down at all. Not only do I have family and a few close friends who really do care for me, I also have a GOD who loves me more than I can ever know.

He needs me, He has a purpose for me, and He is always there for me no matter what.

I just need to be better at remembering that.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, aka The Last Day

Today has sucked for 2 main reasons, one of them being I am sick. The other reason shall remain nameless. They should know, however, that they really let me down. Guess it doesn't really matter, but there it is.

I was in a crappy, disappointed mood for most of the day. It wasn't until my 8 year old cousin came over that I started feeling a little better. We did some crafts, made a video, and then I took a few pictures of her and my youngest brother being silly together.

Mom, who always tries her best to cheer me up, got Dad to stop by Taco Bell on the way home get some beefy 5 layer burritos for dinner. They were, of course, amazing.

After that, we took Harlee home(she had come over to see Jesse), then Mom, Desi, Jesse, and myself "window shopped" around Walmart.

I'm still not in a completely good mood, but whatever. Guess that's how life is. I need to get over my thing where I think I need people to make me happy, because that isn't how it is. People will always let you down, no matter what.

That is why I'm going to go to work until 4:30 tomorrow and I'm going to put all of my thought into my NEW best friend; Money.

This weekend is going to be lonely. Here's hoping that it will go by fast and that next week will be better.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Work was boring. The most exciting thing that happened to me was that I spilled a milkshake on myself a little bit, and that was on the way home.

I miss my friends, even though most of them probably don't miss me.

I can't go tomorrow, and it sucks.

I want to get paid.

I miss Ryan a LOT.

I probably won't get to see any of my friends until Wednesday.

I want to sleep all through tomorrow and wake up Saturday morning.

Have I mentioned I'm not a big fan of Convention?

I'm in a lame mood. Goodnight.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today is Wednesday.

It's my first day off after 6 days of working, and I got to spend it feeling like crap.

I woke up, I sat around, I watched a movie with Mom and Jesse, I talked to Ryan for just a few minutes, I had supper and an ice cream cone, and now here I am, fixing to go to bed at 10 o' clock.

Today has been boring, blah, icky, and tiring. I hate being sick and I miss my friends.

Tomorrow I go to work for 6 1/2 hours. Keep your fingers crossed that I won't feel as bad tomorrow as I have today. No one wants their burgers served with a free side of a coughing fit. =P

Side note: PLEASE let everything work out for Friday and that I'll get to see everyone(and ryan! squee!) at the awards ceremony! Please please please!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ahh, today was a strange day. A strange day indeed.

So I didn't wake up until almost 1pm today, because I was feeling quite a bit under the weather. I had been dreaming of work ALL night long, my head hurt, I almost puked a few times, I couldn't hardly stand up, and I couldn't even eat the wonderful leftover ribs Mom offered me for lunch.

Anyways, after I took a shower, I felt a little better and started getting ready for work. I got to work, and after a while, I felt fine again. I did all sorts of jobs today, though mostly presenting(which is the person who hands the food out of the second window and is in charge of drinks and extra condiments).

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I had a pretty good work day today. I got ahead of my crew quite a few times today, I only made a couple of very minor mistakes, and I kept my cool in stressful situations. I was so proud of myself, that once my shift was over, I rewarded myself with an m&m McFlurry. ;]

So now it's 11 at night, and I'm pooped. I'm pooped, and yet I feel like writing and staying up late to watch the Dick Van Dyke show. Guess that's what I'll do. Go me!

Monday, March 7, 2011


So. It's Monday. My dear Ryan mentioned something about me blogging as never before while he is away until Friday to convention. Since I'm just that nice(and because this could be fun), I'm going to try to do what I did last year, and write about my day, everyday, until Friday night. Will you get bored? Probably. Have I nothing better to do with my time? Oh, undoubtedly. Will Ryan appreciate this? Hope so! ;P

Today, I was awakened at 9am by the radio setting on my alarm clock. Let me just quickly throw in here that a buzzer alarm doesn't wake me up. A full blast radio that's right by my ear however....well, let's just say that I had a minor heart attack and was fully awake.

I got on the computer, as I normally do before getting ready for the day. I checked my email, checked Facebook, and checked blogger. There was NOTHING new on any of those sites, so my Internet interest was short lived.

As I was brushing my teeth, I started thinking about Ryan and how I'm going to miss him. I almost started crying...again. That would be the 3rd time today. I'm such a wimp! But at least I have a minty fresh mouth, right?

It's now 10am, and I'm going to get ready for work, seeing as I leave in 30 minutes. Yay me! I think...

So I'm back from work! It went like this.

Make fries.
Clean floor.
Make fries.
Run stuff out to people.
Make fries.
2 minute drink break.
Make fries.
Teach a woman how to make fries.
Get hit by a huge freezer door.
Make fries.
Go home!

Work is fun. I hope I keep on enjoying my job.You know what's funny? Whenever my crew starts to curse or just be guys(if you know what i mean), I INSTANTLY have For The Glory Of His Name in my head and I find myself humming it. Guess it helps to keep me from getting too annoyed at those who feel they need to curse over an obnoxiously hard order.

Anyways! I think the rest of my day will be good. Mom's making pork chops and homemade potato salad, I'm in some of my favorite pajamas, and we rented Mega Mind; Life is good.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The New Me

You know what? Having a job has given me a new outlook on life.

Even though I've only had one full day of actual labor, I am in love with the idea of working. I love the fact that I have to work in order to get what I want. I love the idea of goals and achievements that I can be proud of and work towards. I also love the feeling of independence.

One of the things that found interesting is how, while watching training videos for the umpteenth hour, I was hit with a sudden surge of realization. Now, let me get one thing straight; I have never in my life been hit with a thought so strong. This thought was more like booming words shouted at me from a friend. They were suddenly thrust into my mind at full volume, and my mind was set. The thought I had was this: I am not going to work in this burger flippin' joint for the rest of my life.

Though simple and probably seemingly unremarkable, that one thought really hit home. It also led me to start thinking about my future in a more serious way. When I got home that night, I was filled to the brim with a brand new attitude.

I want to change. I don't want to give anyone any excuse to call me lazy. I want to get a job doing something that I love, something that require talents, and something that people will remember me for. I want to be a person who will be respected and looked up to, though not in a conceited way. I want to be a role model of sorts, maybe a source of inspiration. I want to be a person that someone younger than I will look at and think, "I want to be as happy with my future career as she obviously is with her's."

I'm not going to settle for anything. From now on, anything that I want, I am going to work my rear off for it. Sure, I'll take things the easy way if it's necessary, but I now have this whole new part of me that wants to actually DESERVE what it is I'm working towards.

And to think I thought all this just because of some lame-o training videos.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Interesting thought...

I'll tell you what; People never cease to amaze me in non too pleasant ways.

Check out this article, then come back to this post.

You have read and heard correctly; Beckham openly admitted that he was using Jesus to portray himself. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that?

This is something that I've always felt very strongly about. I get a bad feeling whenever I see anyone comparing themselves to Jesus in a way other than trying our best to live like Christ.

I wasn't even a fan of the Passion of the Christ movie, just because I don't like the idea of normal people portraying Jesus. I understand that it has to be done, and it can be used to spread the Word of Him, but I don't just doesn't feel right to me.

According to Leviticus 26:1, "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God."

To me, it just seems as though having movies where an actor plays Jesus and getting tattoos of yourself as Him is sort of like creating a false idol.

Maybe I'm just being wacky about it, but it just feels weird to me. I don't feel that way when I see plays where people are acting out the part of Christ, but anywhere just feels strange.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this subject?