Sunday, March 20, 2011

Some thoughts

An interesting thought popped into my mind earlier today. It wasn't anything particularly mind blowing, but I found it worthy of a blog post. The thought was this.

"If I were to die RIGHT NOW, what could people say I had accomplished in life?"

It's such an intriguing thought! I'm only 18, but what all do I feel as though I've accomplished? What am I proud of doing? What do I want people to remember me for?

Is there anything that I've done that has inspired anyone? That's actually a really big thing for me; I want to be someone's inspiration. I want to be THAT person, the person you can look up to and go to for help, because you know that they'll ALWAYS be there for you. I want to be a good role model, the one who stands out because of the things I do. Maybe that's shooting a bit high...but then again, maybe it's not.

Would anyone remember me for being a good friend? How about for being a good Christian example? Would they remember the good things first or the bad? Would they first remember that I was a moody person? Would they, upon hearing of my death, instantly recall a time where I wasn't being the best I could be?

This is mostly just a post of questions, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Maybe we should all ponder a bit about things like that, about what we've accomplished and what we haven't. Life is simply too unpredictable and short to laze around and do nothing. I believe that we should get out there and LIVE as best we can. Live like there's no tomorrow, because you never know that there WILL be a tomorrow. We should enjoy what we have, but strive for more. No settling, no wasting time, and no regrets.

Ambition, people. The world needs more ambition.

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