Friday, April 15, 2011

So it's another post about work. Sue me!

You know what I would LOVE to do? I would love to try my hand at making a documentary. Not just any documentary, though; I want to make one about McDonald's.

I want to show people what goes on behind the scenes. I think people would be really interested to see how their food is made, and by whom. I want to show what all is involved regarding the smaller things, like cleaning and stocking. I want to show how the employees interact with one another and how they treat the new kids.

I want to show that working in fast food isn't actually just "flippin' patties". I want people to see how hard it actually is to deal with every type of person there is, every single day. How challenging it is to get chewed out and made to feel 2 inches tall, then regain your composure in 5 seconds and act like nothing ever happened as the next customer pulls up.

There's actually so much more to working at McDonald's then people think there is, and that's why I think it would be awesome to give a presentation about it. Not only to show appreciation to some of the employees, but also to maybe scare some youth into only working at McDonald's for a teenage living and NOT as an adulthood job.

Just a thought. . .

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