Friday, April 1, 2011

The Opposite Sides

I HATE it when guys don't open the door for girls.

You honestly have no idea how badly that bugs me. It's sad how guy's manners have dropped so greatly. I mean, they curse in front of women, they talk dirty in a crowd, they don't care if they're clean(either in body OR soul), and they don't open those darn doors for people!

I see so many rude guys every single day at work and I'm thinking, "Ew." That's really all I can think. They have no idea how much they've lost any respect that I might could of had for them. And really, that's what being a man is about, right? Being respected, being treated like a man, and knowing that you are who the women should be able to look up to?

Sorry, but I just can't do that. I just can't respect a "man" who doesn't act like one.

Seriously. It's not that hard to be a gentleman.

That being said, it's also not that hard to be a lady and more females need to work on that as well.

Women now are so. . .trashy. They're loud, rude, obnoxious, unclean, unpure, and just really out there. Some of them are just so absolutely against their husbands, too. They talk badly about them to others, they complain, they whine, they cheer at their divorces...that's not how it should be!

Women shouldn't be like that. Women should be WOMEN. We should be faithful to our husbands, both verbally and physically. We should know better than to try to be so super independent too. I'm all for being a strong, independent woman, but there really is only so far you can go without having to work respectfully with a man. We shouldn't be flirty with everyone else, we shouldn't talk badly about our kids to others, and we should expect MORE of the men in our lives, just because they should be willing to treat you right. It's a big circle.

I guess it just goes hand in hand; Women needs to be more like ladies, and men need to be more like gentlemen.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa man, I was totally thinking about this yesterday! I completely agree! Especially with the whole guys need to open doors for girls.

    I think it is the sweetest thing when a guy opens the door for a girl, or runs ahead of her just so he can open it! It's so cute and gentlemanly!

    The part about women being ladylike is so true, too! It kind of bugs me when all these girls say how men boys need to be gentlemen when the girls aren't willing to be ladies...that last part was deep. Facebook status! :D
