Saturday, June 4, 2011

Interesting Analysis

Picture this:

You work at McDonald's. You clock in at 6am, which is when the restaurant opens. You have a gist as to what to expect for the day. but you still know that with all of those crazy customers, anything could happen. There's nothing to do besides clean for the first hour or so. . . then the clock strikes 7.

Suddenly the place is alive! There's orders popping up on the screen, things that need to be done, goals to achieve. Why did things just randomly start happening? They started happening because of the order taker.

Bored with this post yet? Don't worry, there's a point to all of this. My point is this; Isn't the order taker at McDonald's a lot like God in a sense?

Yeah, I know that's crazy to say, but hear me out! Without the order taker, we workers wouldn't know what to do. We would laze around and wonder what the day would bring. But since we DO have an order taker, it's our job to listen to them, pay attention to their instructions, and do as they say to better please them and others(others being the customer).

By simply swapping out a few choice words, we get the whole basis of Christianity. As Christians, our job is to listen to God. We are to follow Him, worship Him, and do as He says. We do all of that to do His Will, which pleases Him and also makes us better examples to others.

The order taker gets upset whenever there's a particularly difficult customer? How about God gets upset whenever there's a particularly difficult person? If we just keep doing our own thing and never listen to Him, everything gets confusing and jumbled up, and then that whole experience is sour to the memory.

Call me crazy, but the similarities are numerous.

(note: this blog in no way goes to say that i believe order takers are these amazing beings. just as in certain simulation games in which you control everyone's lives, these people control us at work)

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