Monday, March 7, 2011


So. It's Monday. My dear Ryan mentioned something about me blogging as never before while he is away until Friday to convention. Since I'm just that nice(and because this could be fun), I'm going to try to do what I did last year, and write about my day, everyday, until Friday night. Will you get bored? Probably. Have I nothing better to do with my time? Oh, undoubtedly. Will Ryan appreciate this? Hope so! ;P

Today, I was awakened at 9am by the radio setting on my alarm clock. Let me just quickly throw in here that a buzzer alarm doesn't wake me up. A full blast radio that's right by my ear however....well, let's just say that I had a minor heart attack and was fully awake.

I got on the computer, as I normally do before getting ready for the day. I checked my email, checked Facebook, and checked blogger. There was NOTHING new on any of those sites, so my Internet interest was short lived.

As I was brushing my teeth, I started thinking about Ryan and how I'm going to miss him. I almost started crying...again. That would be the 3rd time today. I'm such a wimp! But at least I have a minty fresh mouth, right?

It's now 10am, and I'm going to get ready for work, seeing as I leave in 30 minutes. Yay me! I think...

So I'm back from work! It went like this.

Make fries.
Clean floor.
Make fries.
Run stuff out to people.
Make fries.
2 minute drink break.
Make fries.
Teach a woman how to make fries.
Get hit by a huge freezer door.
Make fries.
Go home!

Work is fun. I hope I keep on enjoying my job.You know what's funny? Whenever my crew starts to curse or just be guys(if you know what i mean), I INSTANTLY have For The Glory Of His Name in my head and I find myself humming it. Guess it helps to keep me from getting too annoyed at those who feel they need to curse over an obnoxiously hard order.

Anyways! I think the rest of my day will be good. Mom's making pork chops and homemade potato salad, I'm in some of my favorite pajamas, and we rented Mega Mind; Life is good.

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