Saturday, March 5, 2011

The New Me

You know what? Having a job has given me a new outlook on life.

Even though I've only had one full day of actual labor, I am in love with the idea of working. I love the fact that I have to work in order to get what I want. I love the idea of goals and achievements that I can be proud of and work towards. I also love the feeling of independence.

One of the things that found interesting is how, while watching training videos for the umpteenth hour, I was hit with a sudden surge of realization. Now, let me get one thing straight; I have never in my life been hit with a thought so strong. This thought was more like booming words shouted at me from a friend. They were suddenly thrust into my mind at full volume, and my mind was set. The thought I had was this: I am not going to work in this burger flippin' joint for the rest of my life.

Though simple and probably seemingly unremarkable, that one thought really hit home. It also led me to start thinking about my future in a more serious way. When I got home that night, I was filled to the brim with a brand new attitude.

I want to change. I don't want to give anyone any excuse to call me lazy. I want to get a job doing something that I love, something that require talents, and something that people will remember me for. I want to be a person who will be respected and looked up to, though not in a conceited way. I want to be a role model of sorts, maybe a source of inspiration. I want to be a person that someone younger than I will look at and think, "I want to be as happy with my future career as she obviously is with her's."

I'm not going to settle for anything. From now on, anything that I want, I am going to work my rear off for it. Sure, I'll take things the easy way if it's necessary, but I now have this whole new part of me that wants to actually DESERVE what it is I'm working towards.

And to think I thought all this just because of some lame-o training videos.

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