Thursday, May 5, 2011


Seriously. Life is CRAZY right now! Not to say that I don't love it though, because I do. I love it so very, very much. I'm all for going going going, and so far I've yet to have any major meltdowns. Heck, if I think about it, there's really not any time to have a meltdown, big or small! Would you guys be interested in a little insight as to what all is going on right now? Maybe? Possibly? Is there anyone who even cares or still reads this old thing? Guess we'll find out. . .

So. CNA classes. It's only day 2 of a 2 1/2 week course, and already I'm really enjoying it. I'm already looking forward to trying something new, dealing with the residents, working for a cause, and (hopefully) being all that I can be.

Another thing with it being only the 2nd day of class is that the tests haven't been THAT hard yet. I've already had 10 tests(one of them being pretty difficult for a newbie such as myself) and I've got 100s on all but one, that one being a 97 and the hardest and longest test so far. That being said, I'm also getting the best test grades of the class SO FAR. Before you start judging and thinking, "Oh, she's so braggy, what a teacher's pet", hear me out.

The 6 other people in this class are really and truly something else. I thought some of the people I deal with at work were bad; These people are ANIMALS. I won't go into any further details about them(mostly because they aren't even worth talking about), but my point is this: Whenever I'm around my less-than-great peers, I instantly get this insane desire to try my best at whatever it is I'm doing. I mean, I try my best anyways, but when I'm around my peers, the ones who make my day hard and make me so mad I could spit, I turn into this mini version of Super Girl and I work ten times harder than I probably should.

These lesser workers seem to think that there's no one to impress, but in actuality, I find that there's ALWAYS someone you could work at making a good impression on. Leaders, customers, coworkers, family, friends, even God. . .they can ALL be impressed, and I love that. I'm a sucker for praise and acknowledgment, what can I say?

So aside from the whole career thing, I've also got new hours at work to look forward to, graduation this month, a state test, trying to spend as much time with loved ones as I can, and then somehow managing to keep up with all of my beloved hobbies that I used to have extra time for.

Like I said before; It's busy, but I love it.


  1. I know you said that they are not worth taling about, but what du you mean by animals?

  2. Rude, annoying, filthy minded/mouthed, disrespectful, deceitful...that sort of thing.
