Friday, March 25, 2011

Small World...

"All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?" -The Beatles Eleanor Rigby

This song, though discovered only a few weeks ago, ALWAYS makes me think about how amazing fate really is when it comes to people.

It blows my mind to think that there is someone out there for everyone. Every single one of us has a "certain someone". What's sad is that some of us may never find that one, but still; They're THERE. I don't just mean boy/girl relationships, either. I'm talking about friends too.

As mean as it is, it doesn't actually seem possible for there to be someone for everyone. The honest truth is, it's hard to believe that the one person you can't stand has people that like to hang out with them. Sounds harsh, but am I wrong?

God is absolutely brilliant(totally dumb and obvious thing to say, i know). Think about it; Everyone has a different personality, and yet we can make friends. God gave us the abilities to get along with people, to socialize with them, to build relationships, and so much more.

He puts people in our lives for a reason. I don't believe that anyone is simply just "there". Every single person in your life is there to provide some type of influence whether it be good or bad.

If we have bad people in our lives, I think we should think of them in one of two ways. Either they are in our lives so we can help them or they are there to test us. It makes sense if you think about it...

This is sort of a botched up post, but oh well. Hopefully I've gotten a small portion of my thoughts out well enough to be understood.


  1. Good post. We all need to sharpen each other. It's our jobs. And yeah, its totally cool have everyone is SO different!
