Monday, December 20, 2010

To All The Girls...

Isn't it crazy how quickly we can fall for someone?

Don't you find it odd how we over think every little detail of a conversation with our interest?

Do you ever think of yourself as stalkerish whenever you start trying to learn all you can about them?

Isn't it weird how we deny we like someone?

Doesn't it feel terrible whenever there's a love triangle going on?

Doesn't it suck to cry over a guy?

Can you help but get a little bit hopeful whenever he tells you that he doesn't like such and such anymore?

Don't you hate trying to guess his true feelings about you?

Isn't it insane how much courage you have to have to make the first move?

Isn't it totally worth every tear, thought, lonely day, fight, and heartbreak whenever you find out that he likes you too?

Doesn't life get that much brighter when you know that there's someone out there who loves you for you?

Yeah....I thought so.

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