Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 24- The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory

(seeing as i have so many favorite moments, i'll just write down the ones i had with certain people)

Dear People In My Life,

Mom: MOMMY! I love you! So, pretty much any time me and you are out doing something by ourselves is a good memory with you. Every moment with you is super special, because you're my mom and you're awesome! I remember such funny things, like the first spelling bee practice and me telling you about a certain something happening, us walking around a Walmart and me accidentally saying a cuss word in front of some old lady and you telling me quietly what I'd said, us getting a milk shake after I had my shots at the doctor's, me and you and Jep doing school outside, the watermelon fight with the pool, all the talks we've ever had about boys, staying up late watching music videos while waiting for Sam to go to sleep, and so many more! I love you SO MUCH, Mom!

Dad: Daddeh! Gosh, you're such a funny guy! I think some of my favorite memories with you is being little and us coloring and reading comic strips together, everything soccer, you carrying me off the field when I was hurt, being little and sick and you having to keep changing my sheets all night long, us going on a "date" one night to McDonald's, having talks together when I was upset...and those are just a few! I love you, Daddy! Thank you for keeping things goofy!

Rhino: Oh man...where to begin?! Every single moment with you has stayed in my mind, though not all of them have been good times. It'd be so hard to name a favorite moment, though! Some that come to mind instantly is first meeting you, you sitting super close to me on the picnic table at my grandparent's house, you falling in the creek and chasing your hat, telling you that I liked you and having you actually like me back, our first cheek kiss, the randomness videos, walking around the Opry Hotel with you last year, the first time you held my hand(and in front of people), the last time I was at your house, spending the ENTIRE day with you on your birthday and then again for the Youth Group outing, and sooo many more! I can't wait to make many more memories with you! I love you!

Tonya: Tuna Baboona! We have had some awesome times together! Some of the best memories of you are as follows: Our first meeting and how I sounded like a loser, us playing with Legos while eating ice cream cones, whenever you first asked my mom if I could come over, making Christmas cookies, my mom scaring you with the pig mask, shopping with you in Rivergate, and last Summer. I love my Tuna! ^_^

Jo: Wait, not Jo. Madeline! No, I mean Koiston. UGH, you know who you are! Haha Just kidding! You know I love you and your many names. Every time we're together, I have a BLAST. You're so fun to be around! A single best memory is not possible to have. I mean, think about it; Remember the time at Walmart when we talked about nightgowns? How about running you know who's ring back to them? Laughing over nothing while me and Tonya looked on? Seeing if Ryan would go back to get my camera bag at the drive in this past Summer? The Wheaties video? Putting up with my weirdness and eating at my table during Internationals? Girl, we have so many!! I love you, Kirstin!

Jep: Jesse......we are awesome. Seriously. We complete each other. I am the nerd and you are the cool in our relationship. We have so many memories, it should almost be illegal. Remember when I knocked you off your bike then made you promise not to tell? Or whenever I scared the crap out of you in Destin? How about us telling each other "secrets" in the bed when we were little? Or pretending to be lizards? "Get up you Scottish loser!"? Get Out Of My Tiny Kitchen? How about you helping me to pack baby (doll) clothes whenever Mom told us she was pregnant? Gosh, we're so epic it almost makes me sick! I wuv you, Jepoopoo!

Sam: Buddy, we really need to make more memories together. I do have some favorites with you, though! I remember seeing you for the first time in the hospital. I remember feeling so proud whenever I got to help take care of you. I remember the first time you tried to learn how to ride a bike. I remember thinking how cute you were whenever you and Daddy would fall asleep together. I remember teaching you how to play Scattergories, then regretting it after seeing how good you were. You're a pretty cool little dude, Samalamadingdong, and I love you!

Love to you all(and more), A.

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