Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 19- Someone That Pesters Your Mind- Good Or Bad

Dear Love,

Person whom I love, you are on my mind 24/7. You are the first person I think about when I wake up, and the last when I fall asleep. I love to imagine what you would say or do if you were around whenever something interesting happens in my life. I love to imagine your super hansom self, and how absolutely amazing you look when you smile that one certain way. If I'm sad or down, I love to pretend that you're holding me. I'm so thankful that we get to talk over the computer, but I'm not going to lie; You're more fun in person(not to mention i can hug and kiss you that way...). I love you!

♥, A

Dear OTHER Person,

You're usually on my mind, but in a totally different way. You have a way of getting into my head and making me doubt every little thing anyone says or does, and even of making me doubt myself in every way possible. Whereas the above makes me feel important and loved and amazing, you make me feel the absolute opposite. You crush, you diss, and you claw. It's like you try your very hardest to make me miserable or ruin any good thing I've got. Why would you do that? You call me your best friend; Is that how you treat a friend? No, it's not. I can't stand it when you do that. It used to make me upset. Now it just makes me mad. Call me what you like, think what you will, and do what you want; I couldn't care less about your crap anymore. I'm happy, I'm loved, and I'm me. If you don't like it, tough.


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