Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Dick Van Dyke Show

Oh World, please tell me that there's someone out there who thinks the same as I.

I have acquired a minor(ok, it's a little more than minor) crush on someone who is 89 years old. Ok, so that sounds really wrong. Let me explain myself.

Dick Van Dyke is amazing. My crush though isn't on his present self, but on his 30 year old self on the infamous Dick Van Dyke Show. Oh em gee, was he ever charming! His smile, his laugh, his personality, his overall cheeriness; He was just so cute! As an added bonus, the show is from the 50s, meaning that all the men wore suits or dress coats all the time. As any one who knows me well knows...I'm a sucker for a man in formal.

It is now my new goal in life to watch Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, two Disney movies I have yet to see. Dyke as a chimney sweep? Yes please! I think it's safe to say that thanks to Mr Van Dyke, girls everywhere have thought of chimney sweeps as slightly attractive, in a weird sort of way.

Even at his current age, he's still got that undeniable charm about him. Though instead of attractive, it's just grandfatherly. He still has that great smile and chipper laugh that fans love oh so much. You know, it's just occurred to me that Zachary Levi may be the present day Dick Van Dyke. Hmm....I'll have to test out this theory on my friend Kirstin(who's had a major soft spot for Levi ever since I told her about his singing voice).

My, isn't it interesting how the female teenage mind works?

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