Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 7: Your Dreams

I'm supposed to write a letter to my dreams? Really? Awkward....

Dear Dreams,

Hi. Well, you can be pretty crazy sometimes, eh? You're usually super colorful, always bizarre, almost never nice, and you usually manage to squeeze in at least one animal of some sort. Loved the ones where I was constantly getting attacked and/or eaten. Really, that was great....*

From now on, how about we be a little nicer? How about I dream something totally innocent and sweet, like a trip to Disney World with the family and nothing goes wrong? Sure, you let me dream about a cute little kitten last night, but let's not forget that it hated me and wouldn't stop hissing.

Anyways, hope we can come to an understanding one of these days. I'm thinking my motto should be "nice dreams or none at all". Catchy, right?

Later, A.


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