Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 14- Someone You've Drifted Away From

Dear Jessica,

Yeah, we've drifted apart. We were best friends Once Upon A Time, right up until you left town. Even then, I still considered us to be friends. Then you stopped calling or writing for about half a year, and I was sad. One day though, I got a phone call, and it was you. You were in a totally different state with totally different people and a totally new life, but you were still you(though a little more rough around the edges), and we talked as though nothing had changed. We called each other every single day, all the way until you came back to town for a few hours. I was SO happy to see you then! Though it was only for 10 minutes, I loved every second. When the time came for you to leave, you asked for my cell phone number, and said you would call me the minute you were free.

I never got that phone call.

I went for forever without any sign of your existence. No emails, no phone calls, no Facebook, nothing. I was on my way to moving on, when you suddenly got in touch with me by sending a little tiny message containing 7 small words. I wrote back, and that was the last I ever heard of you.

I'm ready to move on. What we had in the past was amazing and my first true blue friendship, and I thank you for that. But as times go on and you make no effort to stay in contact with me, I realize what's done is done. People change, and so does life.

I still miss you sometimes, but I've moved on.

Signed, A.

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