Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 4: Your Sibling(or closest relative)

Dear Jep and Sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong,

You two are pretty darn special, in case you didn't know that.

Jesse, you were my first best friend. I'm glad we're close in age, because it makes it easier to talk to you about stuff. Thank you for being stupid with me in our first videos. Thank you for letting me take pictures of you so often. Thank you for eating any leftovers I may have. Those small things really do make life that much easier. Haha. Really though, you're a cool dude(even IF you care way too much about your hair). Even though we're both sort of moody sometimes, I still always enjoy being silly with you. My favorite hobby is trying to make you laugh, you know. I can agree with the rest of the female population when I say that you aren't so bad looking, either. I love you, Jeppy!

Sam! Hi. So, I know for a fact that you won't read this, because you don't read my blog. Anyways, that's not important! You're a VERY unique little guy. You get on my nerves, you can be super annoying, you've got a weird way of thinking, and we fight way more than I like, but that's about all. You are SUPER funny. You've got some great wit, my friend. You enjoy being in my videos, which is awesome. You're good about following through with what you say. You can be pretty darn adorable, too! I loooove you, Sam!

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