Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 15- The person you miss most

Dear Ryan,

I MISS YOU! It's been 4 days since I've gotten to see you. Sure, we Skyped yesterday, but that's not the same. I need to be around you in order to get the full effect of how awesome and fun you are. I'll see you tomorrow though, so that's good! Wow...I've just realized that the last time I ever got to see your 17 year old self was on Saturday. Whoa...Anyways, I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you.

♥, A.


I'm slowly going mad without my friends. I would very much enjoy getting to be around any(if not all) of you. Saturday was the last day before TOTAL ISOLATION. Ok, so I'm being totally dramatic, but it WAS the last day before all this snow and ice crap started up. I hate it. I need my friends like a monkey needs a banana; A whole heck of a lot! I'll get to see most of you tomorrow though, and maybe all of you on Saturday! HUZZAH! Please, don't forget who I am, since it's been so long.

Love, A.

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