Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: Your Parents

Dear Momma and Daddy,

I love you two SO FLIPPIN' MUCH! Mom, you're the best mom ever. You're awesome at advice, you do so much for all of us, you cook GREAT food, you're super funny, I love how we can read each other's minds, and you're an awesome role model. I hope I can be half as cool as you are when I'm a mom. I love you!!

Dad, you're AWESOME. Thank you for working so hard for our family. Thank you for the time you spend making sure we have a good time with sports. Thank you for all the nicknames you've given me and the silly songs you sing. Thank you for teaching us kids a lot about just about everything. I love you!

Love, A.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Wow..this is a really creative idea you have. I do hope you continue it throughout December every day, I enjoy reading it.
