Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 30- Your Reflection In The Mirror

Dear Me,

Today's my birthday! I'm finally, FINALLY 18. If I were to look in the mirror, I'd see a very tired, very pleased adult(yep, that's right. ADULT). I have sooo much to be thankful for. I've been so blessed to have had such a wonderful childhood. I'm so grateful for everyone in my life and for everything they've done for me. I mean really, how awesome is it that 3 of my best friends waited until midnight to sing me "happy birthday" on Skype? That's pretty darn awesome.

I'm also super glad that my first ever date will be with the one I love, on my birthday, all day long. In case you're an emotionless rock, I'll just tell you this; That's epic.

Anyways, I need to go to sleep so that I can fully enjoy my first ever day as an adult. I COULD go buy some cigarettes, vote in a poll, order online from Japan, go to jail, or sign a contract, but instead, I think I'll go enjoy the day with my amazing boyfriend and maybe watch a G rated movie. ;]

Much love, A.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 29- The Person That You Want To Tell Everything To, But You're Too Afraid To

Dear Non-Existent Person,

Um....yeah. There's a small handful of people in my life that I feel like I can tell anything. The other people in my life I don't trust as much, and therefore I don't want to tell them everything.

This is the most boring letter ever.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 28- Someone That Changed Your Life

Dear JP,

So, you've helped me to change my life for the absolute better. You were the only one who, at a church hayride, talked to me and Tonya, and you were also the one who helped me to become a Christian.

It's thanks to you that I'm where I am today spiritually. Though I didn't fully understand what all being saved meant then, I was able to learn over time, and I'm SO glad that you were nice enough to care and to help me to begin my walk with Christ.

You're an awesome friend, JP. You're always there for people, you make sure no one gets left out, and you know how to make someone feel better about themselves. I'm so glad that I was given a 2nd chance to get to know you again. You're a good influence and a role model.

Keep it groovy, Juice Box! ;]

Your friend, A.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 27- The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day

Dear Random Dude At Camp,

For some reason, we were super nicey nice to each other for only a few hours of one day out of an entire week of being around each other. You turned out to be really nice, funny, and talkative. We made jokes, we stuck up for each other, and then....nothing. It was still fun being your friend for those few short hours, though!

Your random friend, A.

Day 26- The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise To

Dear Rhino,'re the only person I've ever made pinky promises with. I remember it like it was yesterday...

You, Kirstin, Jesse, and myself were all hanging out at my house, talking. I said something, and you just leaned over, looked me in the eyes and said, "pinky promise?", and then held out your pinky. I just looked at you, so you said it again. I smiled, then hooked pinkies and said, "pinky promise".

Since then, I think we've done maybe 5 other pinky promises? I don't know. I just know it hasn't been many, and I've never ever had anyone else do those with me. You should feel special, dear. You were the first and only. =]

Love you so much!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 25- The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times

Dear Anyone Who's Lost Someone Recently,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't help to ease your pain in some way. I'm sorry that people we love have to die, I'm sorry that we have to grieve, and I'm sorry for any ill turns of behavior that may occur. I can't imagine how it must feel to lose someone you love. It's hurtful enough just having a dear pet die, so to think about losing someone so close and loved is just so beyond my comprehension. I know it's always said, but it really is true that if God is willing, you will see your beloved again someday. I can't imagine how hard it must be to go through the motions for the first time once your loved one passes away. Christmas, anniversaries, birthdays, anything like that must be absolute torture. Even though I can't help to ease the pain, I know that God can and will. I'll be honest; I don't think the memories will ever stop hurting. I believe that in due time, the pain will lessen a bit, but I don't think it will ever truly go away. And really, who would have it disappear in the long run? Feelings are a way of helping us to stay human and sane. I know that this isn't any help at all, but I still wanted to write it.

Stay strong.

Love, A.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 24- The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory

(seeing as i have so many favorite moments, i'll just write down the ones i had with certain people)

Dear People In My Life,

Mom: MOMMY! I love you! So, pretty much any time me and you are out doing something by ourselves is a good memory with you. Every moment with you is super special, because you're my mom and you're awesome! I remember such funny things, like the first spelling bee practice and me telling you about a certain something happening, us walking around a Walmart and me accidentally saying a cuss word in front of some old lady and you telling me quietly what I'd said, us getting a milk shake after I had my shots at the doctor's, me and you and Jep doing school outside, the watermelon fight with the pool, all the talks we've ever had about boys, staying up late watching music videos while waiting for Sam to go to sleep, and so many more! I love you SO MUCH, Mom!

Dad: Daddeh! Gosh, you're such a funny guy! I think some of my favorite memories with you is being little and us coloring and reading comic strips together, everything soccer, you carrying me off the field when I was hurt, being little and sick and you having to keep changing my sheets all night long, us going on a "date" one night to McDonald's, having talks together when I was upset...and those are just a few! I love you, Daddy! Thank you for keeping things goofy!

Rhino: Oh man...where to begin?! Every single moment with you has stayed in my mind, though not all of them have been good times. It'd be so hard to name a favorite moment, though! Some that come to mind instantly is first meeting you, you sitting super close to me on the picnic table at my grandparent's house, you falling in the creek and chasing your hat, telling you that I liked you and having you actually like me back, our first cheek kiss, the randomness videos, walking around the Opry Hotel with you last year, the first time you held my hand(and in front of people), the last time I was at your house, spending the ENTIRE day with you on your birthday and then again for the Youth Group outing, and sooo many more! I can't wait to make many more memories with you! I love you!

Tonya: Tuna Baboona! We have had some awesome times together! Some of the best memories of you are as follows: Our first meeting and how I sounded like a loser, us playing with Legos while eating ice cream cones, whenever you first asked my mom if I could come over, making Christmas cookies, my mom scaring you with the pig mask, shopping with you in Rivergate, and last Summer. I love my Tuna! ^_^

Jo: Wait, not Jo. Madeline! No, I mean Koiston. UGH, you know who you are! Haha Just kidding! You know I love you and your many names. Every time we're together, I have a BLAST. You're so fun to be around! A single best memory is not possible to have. I mean, think about it; Remember the time at Walmart when we talked about nightgowns? How about running you know who's ring back to them? Laughing over nothing while me and Tonya looked on? Seeing if Ryan would go back to get my camera bag at the drive in this past Summer? The Wheaties video? Putting up with my weirdness and eating at my table during Internationals? Girl, we have so many!! I love you, Kirstin!

Jep: Jesse......we are awesome. Seriously. We complete each other. I am the nerd and you are the cool in our relationship. We have so many memories, it should almost be illegal. Remember when I knocked you off your bike then made you promise not to tell? Or whenever I scared the crap out of you in Destin? How about us telling each other "secrets" in the bed when we were little? Or pretending to be lizards? "Get up you Scottish loser!"? Get Out Of My Tiny Kitchen? How about you helping me to pack baby (doll) clothes whenever Mom told us she was pregnant? Gosh, we're so epic it almost makes me sick! I wuv you, Jepoopoo!

Sam: Buddy, we really need to make more memories together. I do have some favorites with you, though! I remember seeing you for the first time in the hospital. I remember feeling so proud whenever I got to help take care of you. I remember the first time you tried to learn how to ride a bike. I remember thinking how cute you were whenever you and Daddy would fall asleep together. I remember teaching you how to play Scattergories, then regretting it after seeing how good you were. You're a pretty cool little dude, Samalamadingdong, and I love you!

Love to you all(and more), A.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 23- The Person You Last Kissed

Dear Chapstick,

I love you. I love how you help my lips to stay hydrated. I love how you keep me from looking like a dead, dry fish. Thank you, Chapstick. Thank you for always being there for me whenever I need you the most. I hope we can continue to be this close for the rest of your life(which will only be like, 3 more months. sorry...)

Love, A.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 22- Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To

Dear Someone,

I'm always willing to give second chances to people. All the person has to do is prove that they've changed or admit they were wrong, and the second chance will be given. Actually, sometimes I wonder if I give TOO many chances to some people. Either way, I'm all for forgiveness and redemption. Sorry this wasn't more interesting!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 21- Someone You Judged By Their First Impression

Dear Kirstin,

Madeline! We have the best first impression story EVER. Whenever I had my first ever encounter with you, I thought you were super quiet and hated me. We didn't talk AT ALL around each other. Whenever Tonya would leave the room, it was sooo awkward! Here's an example of the awkwardness...

*Tonya leaves the room*

ME: .......
KIRSTIN: .......
ME: .....So. Tonya's silly.
KIRSTIN: ......yeah.
*silence until Tonya returned*

WEIRD! Anyways, I'm SO glad that we were given more opportunities to know each other better. We've both changed a lot since those days and now you're one of my best friends. I love everything about you; Your humor, your faces, our inside jokes, your personality, your sweetness, how you stick up for me, how you help me whenever I need it, your bravery, your patience with me, how you trust me, and so much more. I love you, Kirstin! I hope I can be half the friend to you that you are to me.

Signed with much love and appreciation, A.

Monday, December 20, 2010

To All The Girls...

Isn't it crazy how quickly we can fall for someone?

Don't you find it odd how we over think every little detail of a conversation with our interest?

Do you ever think of yourself as stalkerish whenever you start trying to learn all you can about them?

Isn't it weird how we deny we like someone?

Doesn't it feel terrible whenever there's a love triangle going on?

Doesn't it suck to cry over a guy?

Can you help but get a little bit hopeful whenever he tells you that he doesn't like such and such anymore?

Don't you hate trying to guess his true feelings about you?

Isn't it insane how much courage you have to have to make the first move?

Isn't it totally worth every tear, thought, lonely day, fight, and heartbreak whenever you find out that he likes you too?

Doesn't life get that much brighter when you know that there's someone out there who loves you for you?

Yeah....I thought so.


Hi. I've got a new poll. Vote on it please?

Day 20- The One That Broke Your Heart Hardest

Dear ____,

I don't know if I should even be writing this. I think what I went through at one point last year was heart break, but really; Does it even matter now? No, it does not. It was merely a period in a section of my life that wasn't so great, but it's over now. Things have worked out, and now I couldn't be happier!

Signed, A.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 19- Someone That Pesters Your Mind- Good Or Bad

Dear Love,

Person whom I love, you are on my mind 24/7. You are the first person I think about when I wake up, and the last when I fall asleep. I love to imagine what you would say or do if you were around whenever something interesting happens in my life. I love to imagine your super hansom self, and how absolutely amazing you look when you smile that one certain way. If I'm sad or down, I love to pretend that you're holding me. I'm so thankful that we get to talk over the computer, but I'm not going to lie; You're more fun in person(not to mention i can hug and kiss you that way...). I love you!

♥, A

Dear OTHER Person,

You're usually on my mind, but in a totally different way. You have a way of getting into my head and making me doubt every little thing anyone says or does, and even of making me doubt myself in every way possible. Whereas the above makes me feel important and loved and amazing, you make me feel the absolute opposite. You crush, you diss, and you claw. It's like you try your very hardest to make me miserable or ruin any good thing I've got. Why would you do that? You call me your best friend; Is that how you treat a friend? No, it's not. I can't stand it when you do that. It used to make me upset. Now it just makes me mad. Call me what you like, think what you will, and do what you want; I couldn't care less about your crap anymore. I'm happy, I'm loved, and I'm me. If you don't like it, tough.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 18: Someone You Wish You Could Be

(i'm writing this a day early because there's no way on earth i'll be awake enough to write it tomorrow)

Dear Changed Me,

I wish I could be more sure of myself. I wish I had a bit more confidence in some of the things that I do, I wish I didn't have such drastic mood swings, I wish I were a mathematician genius, and I wish I could be a great public speaker. I'm in luck though, because I can make almost all of these things happen! I'm glad to be me, don't get me wrong. I just think some things could be improved, as most people do.

Signed, A.

Day 17- Someone From Your Childhood

Dear Barney & Co.,

When I was but a wee lass, I loved you and your dinosaur friends. You were big, you were purple, and you were friendly. Baby Bop(or as i called her when i was young, "baby wipe") was the best, unless being able to see her involved meeting her in person at Toys R Us, in which case it was quite traumatizing. But that's a different story! Barney, I even sang in a contest for you. Yes, it's true; I sang in a Barney theme song contest all in the hopes that I would be on your show. I practiced for days and days, making sure I had the song memorized. Needless to say, I never got on the show(now that i think about it, i can probably thank selena gomez for that...).

As much as I loved you then, it's now very apparent to me how creepy you really are. I mean, you're a huge purple dinosaur who loves to hug and kiss(aka "taste") little kids. You're like IT the Clown disguised as a less frightening felt reptile. How did I ever find comfort in your creepy little theme song?!

I love you
You love me
We're a great big family
With a great big kiss
And a hug from me to you
Won't you say you love me too!

No Barney, I will NOT say I love you.

A very scared teen, A.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 16- Someone That's Not In Your State/Country

Dear Johnny Depp,

Why hello there, Mr Depp! Has anyone ever told you how awesome you are? They have? Every day? Really? Well then, you won't mind if another person tells you!

Johnny Depp....I love you. Not in a creepy fangirl sort of way, or in an obsessed fan sort of way, but in, who am I kidding?! I love you in BOTH those types of ways! I think you're an amazing actor who has a wonderfully quirky personality. I've always loved quirky people. Edward Scissorhands? Amazing. You should feel special; Your performance is the ONLY one that has made me cry. I love how you seem to stay really humble and modest, even though you're so insanely popular. I love that you've had a solid relationship for so long, and that you seem to care so much about your kids. You seem to me a genuinely good person, and I would LOVE to meet you some day.

With much love and respect, A.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 15- The person you miss most

Dear Ryan,

I MISS YOU! It's been 4 days since I've gotten to see you. Sure, we Skyped yesterday, but that's not the same. I need to be around you in order to get the full effect of how awesome and fun you are. I'll see you tomorrow though, so that's good! Wow...I've just realized that the last time I ever got to see your 17 year old self was on Saturday. Whoa...Anyways, I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you.

♥, A.


I'm slowly going mad without my friends. I would very much enjoy getting to be around any(if not all) of you. Saturday was the last day before TOTAL ISOLATION. Ok, so I'm being totally dramatic, but it WAS the last day before all this snow and ice crap started up. I hate it. I need my friends like a monkey needs a banana; A whole heck of a lot! I'll get to see most of you tomorrow though, and maybe all of you on Saturday! HUZZAH! Please, don't forget who I am, since it's been so long.

Love, A.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 14- Someone You've Drifted Away From

Dear Jessica,

Yeah, we've drifted apart. We were best friends Once Upon A Time, right up until you left town. Even then, I still considered us to be friends. Then you stopped calling or writing for about half a year, and I was sad. One day though, I got a phone call, and it was you. You were in a totally different state with totally different people and a totally new life, but you were still you(though a little more rough around the edges), and we talked as though nothing had changed. We called each other every single day, all the way until you came back to town for a few hours. I was SO happy to see you then! Though it was only for 10 minutes, I loved every second. When the time came for you to leave, you asked for my cell phone number, and said you would call me the minute you were free.

I never got that phone call.

I went for forever without any sign of your existence. No emails, no phone calls, no Facebook, nothing. I was on my way to moving on, when you suddenly got in touch with me by sending a little tiny message containing 7 small words. I wrote back, and that was the last I ever heard of you.

I'm ready to move on. What we had in the past was amazing and my first true blue friendship, and I thank you for that. But as times go on and you make no effort to stay in contact with me, I realize what's done is done. People change, and so does life.

I still miss you sometimes, but I've moved on.

Signed, A.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13- Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

Dear Person Whom I've Apparently Wronged,

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Whatever I did, I didn't mean for it to upset you in any way. Friends?

Love, A.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 12- The Person You Hate Most/Caused You A Lot of Pain This is a toughie.

I don't hate anyone. I'm trying to work on not even strongly disliking people. I want to either like or dislike someone. No strong feelings of dislike, because it gets in the way. Emotions can get out of whack, actions can be rash, feelings can be hurt, etc. I want to put any and all past pain or seemingly wrong doings towards me behind me, never to be drug out and used as ammunition for ill thoughts again. That's not to say that I'm going to totally forget when someone did something not so nice, but I'm not going to dwell on it. I think I'll make my own motto. Something like, "Forgive and move on."

So....yeah! This is one letter that can't be wrote.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Dick Van Dyke Show

Oh World, please tell me that there's someone out there who thinks the same as I.

I have acquired a minor(ok, it's a little more than minor) crush on someone who is 89 years old. Ok, so that sounds really wrong. Let me explain myself.

Dick Van Dyke is amazing. My crush though isn't on his present self, but on his 30 year old self on the infamous Dick Van Dyke Show. Oh em gee, was he ever charming! His smile, his laugh, his personality, his overall cheeriness; He was just so cute! As an added bonus, the show is from the 50s, meaning that all the men wore suits or dress coats all the time. As any one who knows me well knows...I'm a sucker for a man in formal.

It is now my new goal in life to watch Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, two Disney movies I have yet to see. Dyke as a chimney sweep? Yes please! I think it's safe to say that thanks to Mr Van Dyke, girls everywhere have thought of chimney sweeps as slightly attractive, in a weird sort of way.

Even at his current age, he's still got that undeniable charm about him. Though instead of attractive, it's just grandfatherly. He still has that great smile and chipper laugh that fans love oh so much. You know, it's just occurred to me that Zachary Levi may be the present day Dick Van Dyke. Hmm....I'll have to test out this theory on my friend Kirstin(who's had a major soft spot for Levi ever since I told her about his singing voice).

My, isn't it interesting how the female teenage mind works?

Day 11- A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To

Dear Roald Dahl,

I love(and i do mean LOVE) your books! I'm a huge huge huge fan of your work. I love how quirky and dark you are in your books. You make the perfect combination of comedy and shock. I must say, out of all of the childrens books that I've read of yours, Fantastic Mr. Fox and Danny, Champion of the World are my absolute favorites. Not only are your books amazing reads, but they make for some truly fantastic films as well! Take James and the Giant Peach and the newest Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake for example. Both are AMAZING movies which I love! I was very disappointed when I learned that you passed away 2 years before I was born. Only two years! It's terrible. Anyways, I would have LOVED to meet you and discover what type of person you were.

Your faithful fan, A.

Day 10- Someone You Don't Talk to As Much As You'd Like To

Dear Elizabeth,

Lizzy! I miss you. Gosh, we almost never talk anymore, and I really do miss it! You're an awesome gal with a good head on her shoulders. I'm glad that you've moved on from MAC to the great guy you have now. I'm REALLY hoping that you come to town tomorrow so I can visit with you. You know what I miss most about you? Your awesome smile and contagious laugh! You definitely brighten up a room with your wonderful personality. Miss and love you, Lizzy Beth!

Love, A.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 9: Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Dear Jesus,

I don't have to wish on this one, because I KNOW I'm going to meet you when the time is right. I can't wait to be even more humbled than I already am. I can't wait to ask so many questions. I can't wait to FINALLY meet the hero who sacrificed Himself for every person on Earth. We're going to have a blast, Jesus. Just sayin'...

Yours, A.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 8: Your Favorite Internet Friend

Dear eb,

You. Are. AWESOME! Seriously, you're so great! I'm really thankful that we've gotten to know each other so well. You make me laugh with your great sense of humor, you take amazing pictures, I like that we can talk about such random things and it not be weird, I LOVE Gilbert, you like good musicals, and yeah! I can't wait until the day that we can finally meet in person. Unless you're one of those "ew-don't-touch-me!" people, you will be getting a huge friendly hug from mwah.

Later, cyber best fraaaaan! ;]

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I've got a new might want to check it out. Or you might not. Whatever floats your boat, yo.

Here's the link --> LINK

Mhmm...mhmm....comments and thoughts much appreciated!

Day 7: Your Dreams

I'm supposed to write a letter to my dreams? Really? Awkward....

Dear Dreams,

Hi. Well, you can be pretty crazy sometimes, eh? You're usually super colorful, always bizarre, almost never nice, and you usually manage to squeeze in at least one animal of some sort. Loved the ones where I was constantly getting attacked and/or eaten. Really, that was great....*

From now on, how about we be a little nicer? How about I dream something totally innocent and sweet, like a trip to Disney World with the family and nothing goes wrong? Sure, you let me dream about a cute little kitten last night, but let's not forget that it hated me and wouldn't stop hissing.

Anyways, hope we can come to an understanding one of these days. I'm thinking my motto should be "nice dreams or none at all". Catchy, right?

Later, A.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 6: A Stranger

Howdy Stranger!

So, we've never met. That's sort of awesome. The cool thing about strangers is that once you introduce yourself to each other, you're not longer strangers but acquaintances, which is one step away from being friends!

I wonder who you are. I wonder what you're thinking as you read this letter. I wonder if you like Taylor Swift. You really should just introduce yourself so I can stop wondering so much about you.

Signed by your new acquaintance, A.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 5: Your Future Spouse

Dear Future Spouse,

If I'm lucky enough to get married in my future, then huzzah and praise the Lord! Really though, getting married is a big deal. Once you marry someone, that person becomes part of you in a totally new way. I hope I'm correct in saying that I know who my future spouse will be, but if I'm not...well, I guess I'll just pretend this it to someone else(even though that's sort of awkward...). Anyways, back to the letter!

Future Spouse, I hope that we live a long and happy life together. I hope that we get along as well as we do now once we're married. I will do my best to be a good wife. I hope we continue listening to each other. If we have an argument, I want us to resolve it the same day; No going to bed angry or upset. I want us to be there for each other through tough times, new experiences, and the wonderful memories. I want to be the one to encourage you when you're down, comfort you when you're sad, and be the first person to make you smile in the morning. I want to be a wife you can be proud of. Not a trophy wife, of course, but someone whom you respect and love. I promise to always be there for you and to always be one of your best friends, if you'll have me.

Love, A.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 4: Your Sibling(or closest relative)

Dear Jep and Sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong,

You two are pretty darn special, in case you didn't know that.

Jesse, you were my first best friend. I'm glad we're close in age, because it makes it easier to talk to you about stuff. Thank you for being stupid with me in our first videos. Thank you for letting me take pictures of you so often. Thank you for eating any leftovers I may have. Those small things really do make life that much easier. Haha. Really though, you're a cool dude(even IF you care way too much about your hair). Even though we're both sort of moody sometimes, I still always enjoy being silly with you. My favorite hobby is trying to make you laugh, you know. I can agree with the rest of the female population when I say that you aren't so bad looking, either. I love you, Jeppy!

Sam! Hi. So, I know for a fact that you won't read this, because you don't read my blog. Anyways, that's not important! You're a VERY unique little guy. You get on my nerves, you can be super annoying, you've got a weird way of thinking, and we fight way more than I like, but that's about all. You are SUPER funny. You've got some great wit, my friend. You enjoy being in my videos, which is awesome. You're good about following through with what you say. You can be pretty darn adorable, too! I loooove you, Sam!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: Your Parents

Dear Momma and Daddy,

I love you two SO FLIPPIN' MUCH! Mom, you're the best mom ever. You're awesome at advice, you do so much for all of us, you cook GREAT food, you're super funny, I love how we can read each other's minds, and you're an awesome role model. I hope I can be half as cool as you are when I'm a mom. I love you!!

Dad, you're AWESOME. Thank you for working so hard for our family. Thank you for the time you spend making sure we have a good time with sports. Thank you for all the nicknames you've given me and the silly songs you sing. Thank you for teaching us kids a lot about just about everything. I love you!

Love, A.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2: Your Crush

Dear Crush,

I love you. I find myself thinking about how awesome you are quite often. I eagerly await any day that I know I'll see you, because I just can't get enough "You time". I love that we have such great times together. I love that you don't get mad at me whenever I purposely ruin any pictures you try to take with me. I love that you're so gosh darn cute. I love YOU.

Sincerely, A.

Day 1: Your Best Friend

Dear small group of people whom I call "best friends",

You guys are AWESOME. Let's see...I have 3 non-family best friends. Guess I could write each of them a letter?

Tuna: I LOVE YOU! Gosh, you've been my best friend for the longest. I've never had a friendship last so long without having any major issues. You're such an awesome person! You're sweet, innocent, funny, silly, cute, talented, and so much more. I know we don't talk as much as we used to, but when we do, it's still just as fun and special to me. Can't wait for the next get-together!

Jo: Kirstin, you're THE best. I'm so glad that I can call you one of my best friends, because you are a seriously wonderful gal. You're so funny! You listen to and help with other people's drama if you must, but without getting sucked into it or losing your cool. You give the best hugs which ALWAYS brighten my day that much more, you have a super smile, I love making faces with you, and I just love you!

Rhino: I could fill a book talking about you and that STILL not be enough. You're the best friend I have ever had. We've stuck with each other through most everything. I think that we are the ideal image of true friendship, but that's just my opinion. You're super sweet, very cute, a great listener, wonderful at making me feel better, always fun to be around, and everything else that can be used to describe someone that is 110% great! I love you!

Love, A.

So...this could be fun. =]

Day 1- Your best friend

Day 2- Your crush

Day 3- Your parents

Day 4- Your sibling (or closest relative)

Day 5- Your Future Spouse

Day 6- A stranger

Day 7- Your dreams

Day 8- Your favorite internet friend

Day 9- Someone you wish you could meet

Day 10- Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to

Day 11- A deceased person you wish you could talk to

Day 12- The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Day 13- Someone you wish could forgive you

Day 14- Someone you've drifted away from

Day 15- The person you miss most

Day 16- Someone that's not in your state/country

Day 17- Someone from your childhood

Day 18- The person that you wish you could be

Day 19- Someone that pesters your mind-good or bad

Day 20- The one that broke your heart hardest

Day 21- Someone you judged by their first impression

Day 22- Someone you want to give a second chance to

Day 23- The person you last kissed

Day 24- The person that gave you your favorite memory

Day 25- The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Day 26- The last person you made a pinky promise to

Day 27- The friendliest person you knew for only one day

Day 28- Someone that changed your life

Day 29- The person that you want to tell everything to, but too afraid to

Day 30- Your reflection in the mirror