Friday, January 14, 2011


So after a very blunt request from my dear boyfriend, I'm going to write a blog all about him!

What you see to the side is a picture of one of the most amazing guys on the planet! Cute, right? Puh, looks aren't all he's got.

Ryan Marshall Tucker is one of the best friends I have ever had. We've known each other for about 4 years now, and I've loved every moment of being his friend. Even during our rough times, we were still best friends. We give each other advice, we lift each other up, we respect one another, and we love each other as friends and more. True friendship lasts through anything, and we are living proof of that.

As seen in the picture on the right, he's a bit of a dork. In all honesty, I prefer his dorky side, as opposed to his wanna-be suave side. There's just something about a nerd that's just so attractive! His nerdy pick up lines are the best. His best include...

"Your hair is so...frothy."

"You look a lot like my future girlfriend."

"Wait! I got it wrong! You look a lot like my future wife. Ooh, pwn."

Ok, so his best probably don't seem like much to everyone else, but when he says his pick up lines, they're hilarious and cute.

Speaking of boyfriend is pretty darn hilarious. Take a look at the proof.

Ahh, I love this picture for 3 main reasons.

Reason Number 1: He was stuck like that and it makes me laugh.
Reason Number 2: Just the overall pose screams, "I'M A SLOTH!"
Reason Number 3: Did I mention it makes me laugh?

He is at his funniest when he doesn't try, that much is for sure. He says such weird and random things! He is best known for being so incredibly awkward around his friends. Sometimes he'll say something so awkward that there will be absolute silence and you can practically hear the crickets. Ok, so that's an exaggeration, but not much of one!

Besides being able to make me laugh, Ryan also has this amazing ability to be the most attractive person in a couple picture every single time. Don't believe me? Check these out!

Really, how can you look at those and not think, "Wow, that guy the nerd is with is HOT." ;]

Another amazing thing about good ol' Rhino is how sweet he can be. Not only does he give some
of the best hugs ever, but he's also pretty nice with those sweet little surprise kisses. I mean, really. Cuteness!

Overall, I have the best boyfriend that I gal could have. He's sweet, funny, kind, protective, caring, strong, loving, thoughtful, smart, creative, honest, and generally wonderful in every way.

I like to look back at my old "List Of Requirements", a list in which I named off a few things I would like any future boyfriend to have. Let's take a look at that and see how Ryan compares.

• A Christian guy with a great attitude.
• A super sense of humor.
• He has to be able to have some fun.
• Nice to little kids.
• Doesn't mind having his picture taken.
• Manners! Those are a must.
• He needs to have some morals.
• Intelligence is nice.
• Goals for the future wouldn't be a bad thing, either.

He's got 9 out of 9 down! Not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty pleased that I got lucky enough to get such an awesome guy in my life. It still amazes me that a guy like him could like a girl like me...

I can't wait to see what all the future has in store for us, both as best friends and more. I love you, Ryan!