Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

10 Random Facts About Mwah

1. I love to read. As I've gotten older though and the newer books being published lately have depleted in quality, I've gotten picky with my reading selections. I think Roald Dahl is a literal mad genius when it comes to writing children's books and JK Rowling is the only author who has a series I can read over and over again and STILL be shocked at the plot line. Stephanie Meyer is way overrated, Sword of the Rightful King is kick-butt, and French authors such as Gaston Leroux and Victor Hugo write like no one can nowadays.

2. I live in an A-Frame house! For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a house(usually small, but we got lucky and found a huge one) that's in the shape of a triangle. Our house is big on bottom and small up top. My bedroom is in the loft, and I have my own bathroom and skylight. I LOVE our house and would be perfectly content to never move again, except for the fact that I'm 18 and will probably need to move out eventually...sadness.

3. Mustard and sour cream are my favorite condiments. If I have chicken, then I MUST have honey mustard to dip it in. Tacos aren't complete without sour cream, nor is cheeseburger Hamburger Helper on white rice. I like to imagine myself living alone in my own place, sitting on the couch watching a great movie while eating away at my very own container of sour cream. Yeah, I think it's THAT good.

4. Tim Burton is my favorite director. He was the one who brought stop motion animation into a new light. He's insanely creative, has grim humor, and is big on using lots of color. That right there is my type of person. Not only that, but he also usually has my favorite actor in his films, Johnny Depp.

5. I have a texture fettish. I looooove soft things. I'm not talking "oh, that's a new pair of socks" soft. I'm talking "oh my goodness this takes my breath away and feels like a cloud" soft. I can't sleep without having at least one super soft blanket or pillow to cuddle with. They're just so warm and fuzzy and amazing! Sleeping with something so soft is what I imagine sleeping with a bunch of baby rabbits would feel like.

6. I like to write, in case you didn't notice. I never write anything of purpose or of major interest, but I still like trying. I have a journal that I write in almost every night. It's basically full of whatever feelings I'm having at the time, good or bad. I really enjoy writing in it, because it's fun to go back and see what was going on in my life at that time.

7. I really really REALLY love cool shirts. Ones with witty sayings and pictures? They're the best! I think I'm sort of known in my group of friends as The Girl With The Funny Shirts. You know, wearing those shirts really helps with being able to look in the mirror and laugh at yourself. Really though, I love having people notice them and laugh, especially complete strangers. It sort of makes my day.

8. I loathe excessive cursing. I strongly believe that the people who cuss after every other word are stupid. If you can't get your point across without spewing that filth, then you are stupid. Get a dictionary, fools.

9. I don't cry. If I cry, it's over really dumb things, like one very certain odd movie(Edward Scissorhands), fictional characters dying(Order of the Phoenix anybody?), I break something(darn fushigi ball...), or I see a friend crying. I hardly get sad enough to cry, and when I'm mad, I just get hot, loud, and shaky. I'll sometimes cry if I screwed up, said the wrong thing, and made someone close to me upset, but that's about it. I'm glad that I don't cry, because crying never helps anything, anyways. It just makes you wet, weak, and snotty.

10. I'm a super crazy light sleeper. I wake up over the slightest of sounds. Even though I wake up fast, I go back to sleep pretty quickly as well. Alarm clocks are super annoying unless they're set to the radio alarm, in which case I don't mind waking up. Waking up to voices is ok enough; Waking up to that ridiculous buzzing sound? Eh, not so much.

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