Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook, I Hate You

I'm fixing to commit murder.

On whom, you may ask? Dear Reader, I'm fixing to commit murder on the most obnoxiously annoying of all websites: Facebook.

I've spent the past HOUR trying to upload a 6 minute video. Six minutes! That's it! It can't upload a weeny 6 minute video?! REALLY?!

Gah, I'm trying my best to contain any foul language I may have. The inside of my head is like that of R2D2.


I can't decide how best to do it. Butcher knife? Bazooka? Tank? Sumo wrestler/Chuck Norris combination? Either way I choose, I want it to be painful. SLOW and painful. Just like the agony that I'm going through right this very moment.

No website should hold this much power over my emotions. The freakin' site needs to upload the dang video all ready!*

*That's the extent of my cursing...for now.

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