Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

My hair. Oi vay.

I think my hair is my biggest insecurity just because it's so darn unpredictable. Some days it will look ok, and then others it will look like crap. It's so hard to fix, too! If I don't do it the right way, it ends up being huge and fluffy. I hate it when it's like that...

I also hate whenever I'm already self conscious about it, then someone says, "Oh, it's so fluffy! It's like a poodle! It's like a poof! It's an afro!" For some reason, people think those aren't mean things to say. And maybe they aren't; Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive, but I really don't like it when people say any of those things about my hair.

Another thing I'm not a big fan of is when people tell me that my hair is red. It is NOT red. It's strawberry blond, if anything. NEVER has it been red. If you're fixing to tell me that it's red, better think twice because I will knock your lights out. Kidding! But seriously...

I hate it whenever my friends decide to do "make overs" on me and totally screw up my hair. I don't think anyone truly realizes how careful you have to be with curly hair. Some of my friends, they just rake their fingers threw it, pin it up, fold it around, brush it, yada yada, and you can't do that! It screws up any nice curls that I might have had, and then I'm left with a freakin' blob of fuzz.

So yeah...this was reeeeeally ranty, wasn't it? O_O


  1. I totally understand the hair thing.

    People who have straight hair somehow cannot understand that you NEVER run fingers through curly (or in my case wavy) hair. Ahh!!! haha

    I don't know if you use mousse--but I would highly recommend Aussie's conditioning mousse. At least for my hair, it works very well and helps to reduce frizziness =)

    And for the record, you have very beautiful hair! =)

  2. Thanks, Naomi! =D

    I LOVE Aussie products! I usually just use Garner's(i think?) leave-in conditioner. It works pretty well, but I'm sure Aussie would work even better.

    Yay for people who understand each other! haha

  3. I SO understand! I hate when everyone does makeover & i end up looking like frankenstines bride!

    And honestly, your hair is amazing. It completes your personality. I mean I wouldn't be Me if I didn't have crazy curly hair, and I doubt you would be you either.

  4. You are seriously super sweet, Darby. You have lovely hair! Gosh, I really wish we had talked at camp; I think we would have gotten along quite swimmingly. =]

  5. (: dankya! I know right! I have a feeling we would have been quite a nifty pair. But I was falling asleep in drama every day that class was so boring. If we had gotten to do some acting, maybe. And we couldn't even talk! Lame sauce.
