Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

I honestly cannot imagine my life with my first brother, Jesse. I'm not just saying that because I love him, either. I literally CAN'T remember what it was like to be an only child; I was only 2 when he was born...

Jesse(or jep, as he is also called by those who love him) is basically the best brother ever. He's funny, he's usually willing to help me with my crazy ideas, he laughs at my jokes(which aren't always funny), he doesn't mind being photographed(as long as his hair looks good), and he sticks up for me whenever something happens.

Jep and I have done some pretty crazy things together. We've created our own games(bumper body spin, anyone?), we've tried new things together, and we've surprised each other. I'm so lucky that I got a brother like Jep. Without him in the first part of my life, I don't think I would have turned out the way I have today(of course whether or not i'm good how i am now is debatable).

Even though we can both be pretty moody at times and we tend to argue over really dumb things, we both get along splendidly and always resolve any tension between us by cracking a few jokes.

I love you, Jeppy! Oh, and by the way...

IT'S A CUP OF DIRT! It's a cup...with dirt IN it! I call it, CUP OF DIRT!