Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Ok, so growing up isn't really THAT overrated....

I think the fact that I'm an official adult now has made quite the impact on me. I'm 18; No more childhood. I'm out looking for jobs, I've applied for CNA classes, I'm going to be graduating this year, I'm working on driving(yeah...don't judge), I'm registered to vote come next election, I could go to prison, buy cigarettes, get sued, and even grow wings! Wait...what's that? No wings? Darn...

Really though, it's not THAT bad. Of course, I say that now. I may be singing a different tune once my new life kicks into gear and I'm too busy to do anything that I normally do. Or maybe I won't. I'm confident that I'll enjoy working. All those new people AND money?! Awesome!

Though a bit dazing at times and certainly a bit scary, I have high hopes for my future. The cards are laid out; I just have to make sure I pick and choose the right ones to play. Sound sort of cryptic? Maybe because it, I just went all spooky on you. Eat it, noobs.

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