Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 12 - A picture of something you love

What could this mass slab of yellow deliciousness be? Why, cornbread of course!

I love cornbread....a lot. It's one of my favorite foods, it's one of my favorite colors, and it's one of my favorite sides to go with chili! I looked at that picture and thought, "If I had to die young, I'd want it to be from overdosing on cornbread."

No matter if it's Mexican, skillet, sweet, or in the form of ho-cakes, cornbread is ALWAYS amazing. Just writing about it is making my mouth water immensely. I think I'm fixing to drown in my own saliva. Oh man, here I g--ARG OOO GUG!

Kidding, obviously. It's not like I really know how a drowning person sounds. I mean, that would just be sad. Maybe they don't make a sound? Maybe it's just silence. Hmm...

Ok, I'm getting way off of topic here. Bottom line? Go eat some dang cornbread!

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