Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday, March 11th

Let's see, what all happened today...

Well, I woke up an hour earlier than usual, but only because I couldn't breathe AT ALL. I'm pretty sure I looked like a fish gasping for air. I got up and did most of my chores before I fell back asleep for 30 more minutes. I heard my mom squirting my youngest brother with a squirt bottle, so I jumped out of bed real fast before she could squirt me.

I practiced my piano some, but my hands started to cramp very badly, so I took breaks in between songs. I have something funky going on with my hand muscles...

I uploaded 2 videos onto Facebook today of Jesse playing guitar. Everyone seems to really enjoy them. My brother is mega talented. =]

After those uploaded, my mom took me and Jesse to the park, where I sat for an hour texting while Jesse did some parkour with his friends. After they got done with that, the whole family went out to eat at Pepperoni's.

Once we had eaten our fill, me and Mom went to the library, where I got 2 new books to read. I'm really hoping they're good!

We left the library, came home, and then went downstairs to watch Silver Bullet. It was a pretty good movie, though not as scary as I had expected. End of Day 4!

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