Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, March 8th

Since so many of my friends are gone this week(convention aka "friend stealer"), I decided that I should write a blog about my day every day until Friday. So here it goes!

Today I woke up to see sunlight flooding into my bedroom. I always take that as a promise for a good day, so I naturally got out of bed and started my day feeling superbly.

I did all the usual morning routines, and then decided that such a nice day should not go to waste! After talking to Jesse and gathering up a few props, we headed out into the great unknown and made wacky videos all day long! I had planned on uploading them to Facebook, but since I never know when they're going to be pimples and rip the audio off of my videos, I have to wait until I either find a different site to upload them to, or just get brave enough to waste an hour and see what happens on Facebook. The videos are super funny though, so I will for certain make sure that my audience has a way of viewing them! ;]

Once it was too dark to do anything outside and I was sucked dry of ideas(for the moment), Mom took us kids to the soccer fields, where I was able to chill with Tonya for a bit before she left. Then I had to help look for someone's lost car keys. We searched for about 25-30 minutes to no prevail. No keys, my feet were freezing, and the lights were being screwy. All in all, a very fruitless event.

After we left the soccer fields, we went to Sonic. It was there that my dear mother bought me a vanilla cone, which was huge and delicious. We also got some Jr. Double Burgers W/ Chez. They were super tasty!

And there you have it! That's what today has been like so far. Mother and I will probably watch a movie later, then I'll read a bit, and then go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I might have to steal this idea, Amanda! I hope you don't mind :) lol
