Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I really quite enjoy posting these random thoughts...

Try to never get upset or mad at someone over something really dumb, because what if something happened to that person while you were "upset", and the last thing you thought about that person was something negative?! Truly terrible! Horrible! Tragic! NOT GOOD.

Gosh, the above was(and still is) really hard to explain.

I'm listening to All American Rejects, also known as "Amanda's Numero Uno Favorite Band".

Church was really fun tonight!


I absolutely love comments on these things...

The first soccer practice of 2010 is this Saturday! I'm excited and just a tad bit nervous!

Next week will probably be really boring.

I smell like cucumber melon.

What the heck is a cucumber melon?

I really dislike it when guys think girls are the weaker sex. Last time I checked, WE were the ones giving birth, not them.

I can't wait until May!

I can't believe I'm irked about a certain something someone DIDN'T do. How dumb!

It turns out that I not only hate chocolate chip mint ice cream, but also chocolate chip mint ice cream flavored jelly beans. Gag.