Wednesday, March 31, 2010

'Cause you gotta have friends!

I have decided to try to be a better person. It all started with a Sunday.

Our Youth Group gets divided into boys and girls on Sundays, and the girls have been reading a book called Mean, a book about the mean girls in our lives and how to handle them with a Christian-like approach. Well, one of our lessons was about how we can sometimes create problems with other girls over really stupid things, or that we can automatically assume something about someone and then let that hold us from every getting to really know the person.

That lesson really opened my eyes to myself, and I've been trying really hard lately to get along with anyone that I've ever had a "problem" with before, especially one person in particular. Even if I can't solve problems with everyone, I know that I will have at least tried, and that right there makes me feel much better about myself. =]

"Pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord." Heb. 12:14

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