Friday, March 12, 2010


You know, sometimes it's scary how much a song can sound JUST LIKE your love life.

When I first heard I'd Lie by Taylor Swift, I swear, my mouth dropped open and I paused it so I could look up the lyrics, just to prove to myself that I wasn't imagining it. I'm not saying that the song's lyrics are true to me now, but they sure were at the moment.

Another song that really applied for quite some time was You Belong With Me, also by the amazing Taylor Swift. I've got to think that that one isn't such a hard song to relate to though. Almost everyone has been in that situation at one time or another.

The song that most sounds like my love life right now? Four Leaf Clover by Mozella. If you haven't heard it, you need to. I'm not a huge fan of the singer's voice, but I really enjoy the song.

Maybe one of these days I can relate my love life to one of those sappy, "I love you, you love me, we'll always be together no matter what" songs. ;]

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