Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Personalized Zodiac Description

CAPRICORN: Usually a very stubborn person, but always has good intentions. Normally thinks that they're right, and when they're wrong, they tend to get embarrassed. Always honest, unless they feel it could be harmful. Tries to make friends with everyone. Trust has to be earned. Forgives but never forgets. Can appear to be angry or emo, but they're really just having a quiet day. Is usually very talkative and friendly. Doesn't bother hiding their emotions. Is very loyal and trustworthy. Does well under pressure. Doesn't get easily nervous. Tries to do things their way most of the time. Can be bossy. Gets bothered by weird things. Super creative.

LIKES: Sunshine, good morning texts, trustworthy friends, sports, inspiration, and the outdoors.

DISLIKES: Liars, closed in spaces, outrageous prices on simple items, cancellations, and booty shorts.

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