Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sing, Sing Out Loud...

Sometimes, I wish life were like a musical. Then we could all burst into song without anyone giving us funny looks. But to live in a musical requires that you sing, and me? I don't sing.

At least not in public anyways. Or at home. It's really odd, because when I was but a youngling, I would sing all the time. My grandpa would start picking on his guitar, and I would make up a song and sing along. Not anymore, though. Now I almost never sing, and if I do, I do it when I'm completely alone and no one can hear me.

Another thing that's somewhat odd is that when I finally DO work up the courage to sing in front of people(like when our Youth Group went caroling), my friends accuse me of NOT singing, when I know that I was! Maybe I just sing quietly. Or perhaps everyone else sings just a tad too loud...

What about when I play Rock Band, you may ask? Well, I play the guitar. I have only sang just a handful of times, and I hated every second of it. I shake uncontrollably, my face turns red, and I start to feel sick. I believe that would be called "stage fright". I don't do stage fright.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you shall never ever EVER hear me sing willingly, unless I'm feeling SUPER outgoing and brave.

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