Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jaylor was better than Jemi...

Joe Jonas. Demi Lovato. DATING. Owch.

I walk into the kitchen one day, and my mother asks me if I've heard that Lovato has confirmed that her and Joe are dating. I say no, so she plays the interview for me and then shows me all the pictures of them walking down a street holding hands and then some of them kissing while laying on a grassy hill. Try as I might, I couldn't pretend that Demi wasn't there. I mean, I wouldn't even be able to photoshop her out of those pictures. She's that close to Joe. Stupid dream stealer.

So, not only is Joe dating this...person, he's looking pretty darn happy about it. You suck.

Ok, so I'm not THAT bummed about it. I mean, it's not really that big of a surprise. Joe ALWAYS dates girls who look just like him. If they aren't short, dark, and hairy, he won't date them. I believe Taylor Swift was the only exception to this rule, and look where that got them. But he can't be all that great if he picks Demi over Taylor. If I had a bunch of readers, I would probably be getting chewed out for saying that, but I don't care. Need I show you how Taylor is so much better? I'm thinking yes.

TAYLOR: Won more awards last year than any other "country" singer.
She's old enough to live by herself in her awesome new house.
She can write a song like no one else can.
She knows how to stand up for herself.
She's super mega famous right now.
We'll not even bring up the fact that she's a billionaire.
She's been on SNL. Beat that.

Ok, now let's talk about.....Demi. Eww.

DEMI: Sonny With A Chance, Barney, and Camp Rock. Hmm...
She has THE most annoying laugh in the world.
Her smile scares Chuck Norris.
Something wonky is up with her voice.
She's touring with her boyfriend. How corny.
The first 20 times she wore Converse with her dress was ok. Now it's just lame.
She chooses to date someone who could be her older brother. That's just sick.

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