Monday, April 12, 2010

Um...confusion much?

Like really. I am so confused right now. It's insane. I'll not bore you with details though. Moving on!

Anyways, I've come to the realization(and yes, I have those come to me a lot) that I am getting much too old to be playing soccer. Either I'm going to need some adamantium bonded into my bones, or I need to stop playing. Or perhaps I should try playing in a suit made out of bubble wrap. Sure, a great play is worth a few bruises, but a bloodied toe? A sore hip? Constant leg cramps? Messed up ankles? It's all manageable now, but what about when I'm in my middle aged years? Heck, what about when I'm 23?! Not that I dislike soccer. Quite the opposite, really. I LOVE it. I'm going to miss it when I'm done. All the movement, socializing, and memories...Ok, so maybe it IS all worth the pain. So I've bled for soccer, so what? That just shows that I'm really into the sport, which is great.

Next topic: Sunglasses! If you are as blind as I am without my glasses, then you know that it's darn near impossible to wear sunglasses without your glasses. I tried doing that today on the way to soccer practice, and the whole time I was squinting around, trying to figure out what was what. I couldn't read the signs and I didn't see the person walking on the side of the road, but my eyes sure were protected! Moral of this story? Unless you have contacts or those totally dorky shades that are both prescription glasses AND sunglasses(the ones with the shades that flip down), you will have to do without.

I'm reading Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice right now and so far, I've figured out these few things:

1. Lestat is a jerk.
2. Louis is a whiny baby.
3. The book is nothing like the movie.

I must admit though, it's way better than Twilight. No glittery "vampires" rushing off to save some mortal klutz who can't take a compliment. No, these are the real deal, top notch, grade A vamps. It's quite refreshing.

Is there anything else for me to say? Probably. Do I feel like staying up any later and typing it all out? Nope. L8r, peeps!

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