Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Soccer this season: The ULTIMATE good mood killer.

You would think that I'd enjoy myself at soccer practice, but quite the contrary. Thank the Lord I have my brother and 2 of my best friends on my team. I'll not talk too much about that, though. Might say something I'll regret(if that's possible). ;P

I absolutely love running. Oh em jay. That is one of my favorite things now about soccer; running. That is, until I start to black out, then I just hate it.

I have discovered that I release a lot of aggravation and irritation by taking shots at the goal and running as fast as I possibly can while dribbling the ball. Turns out that I was so irked tonight that I ran myself to the point of exhaustion, my hands and legs shaking badly and my chest sore from lack of air. It felt good though, in a weird sort of way.

I'm betting that I'll need a hip replacement by the time I'm 60. Something to look forward to, right?

I think it would be totally awesome if we did a flash mob thing during a soccer game, where everyone suddenly paused and began to play a HUGE game of Ninja!

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