Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lucy, I'm home!

So I'm sitting here, surfing the Internet, when I start to remember that 2 of my best friends are coming home tonight! YAY!

It's amazing how much you can miss someone in such a short period of time. After seeing them at least 4 times a week for the past 1 or 2 months, then not seeing them at all for a week, it's pretty drastic. It hasn't been as fun without them here. No one to laugh at my stupidity, no deep conversations, no awesome hugs, no side aching laugh attacks, no LIFE! Ok, so that last one was pretty dramatic, but you get the picture.

I plan on attacking them with hugs when they return. Unless they attack me first, which I can see Kirstin doing. Unless neither of them want a hug, in which case I will feel stupid and deflated, like a sad, sad little balloon.

Actually, I don't care if they haven't missed me as much as I've missed them. Ain't no thang butta chick-a-wang in my book. I just can't wait to see them!!! =D

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