Thursday, April 8, 2010

*dreamy sigh*

You know how when it's late at night, and you get in that state that's in between sleep and awake, and you start thinking all sorts of really random and crazy thoughts? Well, I was like that last night. Guess what I started thinking about. What makes me swoon.

Sounds somewhat lame, but it's what came to my mind as I lay there trying to fall asleep. It may have had something to do with watching a Hugh Grant movie earlier that day. Oh yes....Hugh is good. Yes yes yes. But anyways. Back to what I was saying.

There's a few things that guys can do(or wear) that make me turn into a complete and utter flustered mess of girly excitement and secretive squeals. Shall I list them? I think I shall.

1. Wearing a Tuxedo.
My oh my. This one gets to me like nothing else. I LOVE a guy in a tux. They I think it has something to do with the way it makes any guy look tall, dark, and handsome(you know, except for the short, light, and not so handsome guys). They just look so sleek and suave and debonair....Ok. I'm moving on now.

2. Accents!
Any accent is cool, but the really nice ones are British or Scottish. I could listen to a nice British voice all day long and not get sick of it. There's just something about the way they leave out letters when they speak that's super appealing. "'Ello love. How aw you today? My, that dress is a nice culuh on you. Blimey, you look gowgeous." ;]

3. Singing and Writing Songs
There aren't many things that get me teary eyed in life, but a guy singing a song that he wrote to the girl he loves in front of everyone? Get me a tissue, because I'm fixing to cry tears of joy. Doing that is one of the sweetest things EVER. I've seen it happen on a plethora of movies, but I wonder how often it happens in real life...

4. Receiving Flowers
I have never received flowers from a guy before, but I've been thinking recently how nice that would be. I honestly don't know how someone could not like flowers. They're gorgeous, they smell nice, they look happy, and they make people smile(or they make me smile, at least.). Yet another reason why I enjoy Spring.

Those are the 4 major things that I find make me feel all girly and giddy inside. Those aren't very unique things those, because how many other girls would love to have a British man in a tux sing a song to them, then present the girl with a bouquet of flowers? Try almost all of them.

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