Friday, April 9, 2010

Me, 2.0

So here's the deal: My friend Elizabeth wanted me to list the basics about myself, but make it very in depth. So, that's what I shall do now. =]

My name shan't be mentioned on here but I was originally supposed to be named Lacy Raquel.

I don't have a least favorite because I think all colors look good on something, and my most favorite would be blue and yellow. They aren't really favorites though, because I love just about all colors out there. It's just that those 2 make me feel the best. ;]

I think that it would be amazing to be on SNL.

My 3 favorite foods are pizza, corn bread, and ice cream. Not together, of course.

I'm a very creative person with an over active imagination. I'm quite good at ab-libbing, and I can think up a video idea on the spot.

I'm also sort of a bossy person. This is why I'm usually the director, camera woman, props manager, director of photography, AND actress.

I now know that I have terrible taste in real life guys, but I'm just going to take it as a sign that I need to wait and let God bring me the right guy.

I'm truly horrible at talking on the phone. I have no idea why.

I've played soccer for about 7 1/2 years. I'm usually defense, and I was good at it until this season. I feel as though this season hasn't let me have a chance to show off my true potential. Plus it would help if I'd stop getting dizzy and pukey feeling every time I played.

My most favorite drinks are lemonade, sweet tea, and cherry coke. Yumm.

I love to travel, whether it be up the road or out of state. I would REALLY love to go out of the country one of these days. So many picture opportunities!

I almost never cry, and when I do, it's over something really weird or dumb.

Sometimes when I'm laying on the bed, I'll have a complete conversation in my head with someone that I was thinking about.

I love word games! Anytime anyone needs to know a word, they refer to me as "The Word Genius" or "Miss Dictionary" and ask me if I know it. I rather enjoy it. ;]

I think babies are the bee's knees. I love them all! If I see one laughing, I instantly start laughing too. They're adorable!

I'm addicted to my friends. I can't get enough of them!

I suck at driving. It's one of the many things I will NEVER be good at. I have absolutely no self confidence, I'm scared to death I will wreck and die, and I hate having my seat belt on the left side of my neck!

When I look at magazines, I hardly ever read the articles. I pay more attention to photo-shopping flaws and the cool ads.

I'm confused as to what I want to be in the future. Something in the medical profession would pay a lot and I'm interested in most of it, but I'd also really like to go into advertisement or something.

I pretty much adore hoodies and cool shoes. Converse, baby!

I have started keeping a notebook that is filled with video and photo shoot ideas. It's got Jack Sparrow on the front. =D

I could pick up animal excrement all day long, but make me pick up a wad of human hair, and I gag uncontrollably.

I love getting mail, even though I never get any anymore. =(

I used to feel tall around my friends. Now I always feel like the short one.

My eyes remind me of cat eyes for some reason.

My hair is strawberry blond, no matter what others tell you! It. Is. Blond.

One of my newest life goals is to see Phantom of the Opera on stage. I think it would make my life complete.

And I think I'm done!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE yours! I feel like I know you better now and i like it! Also, we have SO MUCH in common! It's crazy....we might've been seperated at birth! lol. :)
