Friday, April 16, 2010

Fictional Guys In Literature That I Have Wished Were Real At One Point Or Another

There isn't a girl on Earth who hasn't wished that a fictional guy was real(unless the girl is some kind of a weirdo). Though I haven't ever truly fantasized about the following, I have wished that I could meet them.

HARRY POTTER: The name alone should be "nuff said", but some of you may need an explanation. Enter me and my need to explain things. Harry Potter, a.k.a The Boy Who Lived, has always been one of great interest. He knows magic, he's considered heroic(though I just think of him as lucky), and he's got dark hair and green eyes. Mhmm! Not to mention he's polite, he can handle a sword, he has much to say, and he has some VERY oddly attractive friends. One of whom would be...

FRED WEASLEY: I find it odd that I never wished Harry were real in a fangirl crush way, but I did with Fred. Fred has all the charm that Harry has, plus one more thing; Humor. Stressed out? That's ok, Fred will have you splitting a side in no time! He's funny, sweet, magical, tall, and he's got a twin. Can you get any cooler? I'm thinking no.

EDWARD BLOOM: Edward Bloom is(or should be) every girl's dream guy. He has wonderful Southern manners, he has a backbone, he's polite, he fights for what he believes in, and he knows how a girl should be treated. Though he may be a bit moody at times, he's still a great guy. If you don't believe me, go read Big Fish or watch the movie of the same name. He'll be your favorite Edward in no time!

THEODORE LAURENCE: Laurie! He's adorable! He's soooo sweet to Jo and he loves everyone and he puts up with so much and SQUEE! He's super cute. Really.

THE PHANTOM/ERIK: He's dark, mysterious, he can sing, he's brilliant, and he loves unconditionally. THAT, my friends, is enough said.

You might be surprised to see that there's no Edward Cullen or Jacob Black on here. That's because I don't find either of them attractive in the books(the movies are a different story). Don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy Twilight, but neither of them are my type. Edward is simply too moody and perfect, and Jacob is too young and hot headed. Jasper is much more alluring than either of the other two, but that's just me. ;]

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