Saturday, April 3, 2010


In regards to the below blog post, I have no idea who the cutest and sweetest boy in my town is. I'm going through the list, and I'm drawing a blank. Hmm...

In other news, my mom bought me something that is TOTALLY AWESOME. So awesome, that I'm not going to post what it is on here, so that my friends that care have to wait and see, since I will bring it to my next social gathering. Here's a hint: It's super nerdy and I'm probably the only one who thinks it's as awesome as I do.

I now own a pair of Willy Wonka-like glasses. I rather love them.

Reese's peanut butter cups? Yeah, they're pretty darn amazing.

I feel as though I'm forgetting something, but I don't know what.

I'm really hyper right now. It may have something to do with all the tapioca pudding I ate this afternoon....

Good gravy, I love tapioca pudding.

I saw THAT GUY again today. It was epic. He looked at me. I smiled. He smiled back. He walked off. I sighed.

FOOD! It's what you eat.

Billie Joe Armstrong has some very soulful pipes. My goodness, how I love a guy that I can sing.

I really need to get a life and quit talking about guys. Good grief.

The Passion Play was AMAZING. I almost cried because it was so good! Eep!

Even though I would love to, I'll most likely never be in a play. I will be the one directing it, which is how I like it. I'm a "behind the scenes" sort of girl.

I'm typing really fast and correctly right now!

How odd is it that I can type the word "backspace", but I'm moving forward? Why does that strike me as odd? I haven't the foggiest.


I think this is my longest random blog post ever. I've set a record for myself. I should feel proud. Instead, I just feel lazy.

"Hi, my name's ______, and I sit on my butt all day writing weird and random blog posts!"

That was lame. I apologize for the lameness. I get lame when I'm hyper. Laaaame.

HAMMER TIME! *ner ner ner ner doo doo duh duh* Can't touch this!

I gots 2 walk za doggy.

Peace. Love. CORNBREAD!

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