Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yet another great weekend!

So this great, fantastic, super-cool weekend actually started out on Thursday, when me, Ryan, and Kirstin decided that Tonya needed a surprise birthday party. Well, after a lot of stress and last minute planning, we were able to throw a game night/birthday party at my house the next day. I would like to take this time to say thanks to everyone who helped!

Kirstin, for decorating and planning.
Ryan, for making phone calls and planning.
My mom, for helping us so much with EVERYTHING.
Tonya, for being the reason to even have such an event.
Everyone else for showing up and bringing snacks!

Kirstin and Ryan got at my house at 4:30, then Emily, Chelsea, and Hannah came at 5-ish. At 6, Tonya pulled into our drive way. We all got into a tizzy, trying to get in our places(the places that we didn't actuallyhave time to plan out). My mom told me to get the lights, but Ryan said he had them. I asked him if he was sure, and he replied that he was. So Tonya walks into the dark, quiet house. We all yell, "Surprise!"...but it's still dark. It's complete silence besides the "" of Ryan trying to turn on the light! So that part was kind of a flop, but it was still better than nothing.

Once Tonya opened her presents and such, Drew came. He pretty much missed everything that had to do with the birthday party, but it was ok, because we had a game night! That was THE best part of the weekend for me, because I had an absolute BLAST. It was around 10pm when game night ended and everyone had to start heading home. Ryan and Drew stayed the night at my house with Jesse, while I went to Tonya's house with Kirstin. We didn't do too much that night at Tonya's because we were all so tired from the game night, so we just talked a little bit then went to bed at 1am.

The next day(Saturday), me, Tonya, Kirstin, Darcy, and Angie all went to the Bowling Green mall. We tried on some dresses, window shopped, ate Subway, watched Tonya buy shoes, and looked for cute guys. There were none, but I did find a BUNCH of awesome Alice In Wonderland stuff that I want! After we got done at the mall, Angie took us to Sonic, where she treated us all to Jr. sundaes and Route 44(or was it 66...?) drinks! Thanks again, Tonya's mom!

We got back into Lafayette, then Tonya and her mom dropped me and Kirstin off at the soccer fields, where Jesse, Ryan, and my dad were. We said our farewells to Tonya, and then we all played some soccer! I hurt Ryan's knee(sorry again!), but we still had fun. Once we all left the soccer fields, it was time to go home and get some much needed sleep!

I thought the weekend of fun was over, until I woke up this morning(ok, so it was really afternoon, but whatever), and found out that the family was going to take a speed trip to Bowling Green! Since me and Jesse had church that night at 6, we went to 3 sports stores, Hot Topic, Cici's, and Target...all in an hour and a half. We got back into town and met up with Joe at the Dollar General so we could show him how to get to church. We got to church, had a good Youth meeting, and then we all had a FANTASTIC time hanging out afterwords!

Even though I'm covered in bruises, my neck is sore, and I'm still tired, this weekend has been really terrific, and I'm glad that I have such great friends that I could spend it with. Love you guys!

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