Monday, February 15, 2010

Fan Pages That Everyone Else Except Me Cares About

I feel as though I'm being forced into saying this, mostly because I can stand it no longer; I hate seeing people becoming fans of REALLY stupid stuff, no matter what it is!

You're a fan of bananas, losing your phone because you have it on vibrate/silent, arguing with your parents gets you into trouble, saying "sooo" to break an awkward silence, and many more absurd pages. You're a fan of becoming a fan, for crying out loud! What really gets me is the fact that people become fans of things that they hate! HOW ANNOYING.

Why does it bother me so much? No idea. Maybe it's the fact that my News Feed is 99% "Such and Such became fans of __________". There's hardly anything about my friends on there anymore! What happened?! True, I used to find fan pages funny, but when I have to read the same ones over, and over, and over, and OVER again because different friends keep adding the same pages....well, let's just say it gets old.

Call me a Party Pooper, but that's what I think.

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