Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh, wretched things, how I loathe thee!

I hate few things in this world. Those few things would be:

Being ignored.
Watching people getting cut with blades.
Crunchy onions.
Chocolate chip mint ice cream.
Any type of person who thinks they're better than everyone else.
All truly horrible crimes, such as murder, rape, kidnapping, abuse, etc...
Being in the basement alone at night.
Loads of snow.
Cancellation of ANY social event.
My over-active imagination at it's worst.
Watermelon and lime candy.
Loose strands of hair that AREN'T mine.


  1. I thought I was the only one that hated baldes O.O! I'm so excited, cause people always dub me as weird for that! I hate being ignored too. I just think it's the highgest form of rudeness! Unless, it's accidental...but it never feels accidental! I must disagree on the ice cream part though. The rest of it is probably on my hate-dislike list as well though! Yayy for common hatred! Hahahaha:D

  2. i dont like blades either. someone could get stabbed and die

  3. Thank you Ryan, for that very deep, very intelligent comment.
