Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sweetie Pie, Why Oh Why

Am I the only one who feels like a druggie while eating Pixy Stix? There's just something about the way it feels pouring that tart sugar into my mouth over and over again...

Anyways, I feel like talking about candy. It would be dumb of me to ask if you like candy, because EVERYONE likes candy. The better question would be, what is, in your opinion, the BEST candy in the whole entire universe? I'm here to tell you folks that unless you agree with me, your choice of best candy would be absolutely WRONG.

Obviously, there's different categories of candy. I'm only going to cover the following three.

1. Candy Bars
2. Hard Candy

3. Best Candy of All Time

1. Candy Bars

Best candy bar in existence? Psht, this is a no brainer, people.

I love Zero bars. Oh my goodness. They seriously taste a bit like chocolate covered cherries for some reason, and they are AMAZING. I had my first ever Zero bar on the way to my great grandma's house. She happens to adore these wonderful bars of Heaven, so we stopped by Sam's Club to get her a box for her birthday. We also got us a box, and on the way up to her house, the family each had one. It was pretty much the best day of my life. Ok, so that was a lie, but it was the day that I decided I loved Zero bars more than Butterfingers, and that's really saying something.

2. Hard Candy

I'm not a big fan of hard candy. I can only eat so many peppermints, butterscotch is alright, and those weird little strawberry-wrapped candies aren't what they used to be. It wasn't until a few years ago that I found my one true addiction.

You can ask anyone who knows me; I have an obsession with this candy. I absolutely must always have a small bag of them in my room, or else I can't function properly. You know those whacked out kids who had visions of sugar plums? Well, I have visions of tap dancing lemonheads. They're soo good! I love it when I find a really small one. They're always the best of the bunch.

3. Best Candy of All Time

Ahh, the moment we've all been waiting for! Can I get a drum roll, please? *insert a snazzy drum roll of your liking*

M&MS! I don't care what anyone says, m&ms are the bomb diggity times forever. I could(and have)eat them all day long and not get sick of them. They're the most colorful, most awesome, and over all most bestest candy EVER. To those people who eat them in handfuls, I bite my thumb at thee. M&ms are best eaten one at a time, starting by chewing the hard candy coating off, then sucking on the chocolaty inside. When I eat them, I try to make sure that I always have at least one of every basic color at the end. Might seem a little OCD, but it's better than how I used to eat them; By color. Red, yellow, orange, blue, green, brown, in that order! Yeah, it was weird...

Of course, there are other honorary mentions, such as Reese's Pieces, sour gummy worms, Twix bars, Smarties, etc. None can compare to my above favorites, though.

Oh, and since I put my favorites, I might as well add in my least favorite candy...

Disgusting. Pretty much every green candy in the world is disgusting. Yuck.

1 comment:

  1. i like green candy. it's second to blue candy!!!

    type matters not; color is everything! ;-)
