Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Little Diddy I Wrote Just Now...

I wish I may, I wish I might,
Make the snow go away tonight!
I miss my friends and I miss the Spring,
Sunshine is what I want the weather to bring.
To go outside without freezing to death,
To go outside without seeing my breath.
To go outside to enjoy the heat,
To walk in the grass with naked feet.
All of these and more are things that I long to do,
But they won't happen until Winter goes "shoo!".
I hate you, Snow. This is the honest truth.
You pain me just like a cavity infested tooth.
Never return, and never come back!
Have I made myself clear, my dear Mr. Jack?
So in conclusion, I just want you to die.
I want us to have a truly final goodbye.


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