Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Oh, how I miss my Charlie Cat.

Charlie Charlie Charlie...what a funny cat he was! He was seriously very bipolar. First he loved you, then he would hate you. He was moody, unpredictable, evil, intelligent, stubborn, and dangerous, but he was also my baby Charlie.

My grandparents found him when he was just a tiny little thing, only a few weeks old. Even then, in those early stages of his interesting life, he was the cat from Hell. He wasn't loving like most kittens. Instead of purring and wanting to play, he would run and attack your legs, feet, hands; Anything he could sink those tiny claws and teeth into. At first it was cute and didn't hurt that bad.

"Oh, isn't he a funny little thing!", we would say.

Charlie(named after the famous "Charlie Bit Me video on Youtube) was still just a "funny little thing", all the way up into his toddler years.

Whenever my Charlie got to be a bigger kitten, he started to realize who the boss was in our relationship: Him! He would have an honest to goodness attitude with me if I didn't let him have his way or didn't do what he wanted me to do. He would bite me if I told him no, he would attack me with vigor out of nowhere if I wasn't paying attention to him, and he would hollar at me when he was frustrated. I know I sound like the typical crazy cat lady, but I swear every word of this is true. There was more to that cat than most people realized.

Charlie was every bit the abusive husband. When he was bad, he was horrible. He couldn't be controlled and he would be in a bad mood for hours. When he was nice, he would turn on the charm and try his best to sweet talk you into loving him again, apologizing for everything unkind he'd done. When he was purring and riding on my back(one of his favorite pastimes), it was as if he was a different cat. "Look, Mom! I can change. I really changed this time! I love you again and I always will!"

Charlie was my absolute FAVORITE cat to take pictures of. He was the purrfect(excuse the bad pun) model. He had absolutely gorgeous eyes and he had a way of posing just right and for just long enough. I think he's what really got me into animal photography. Here's a few of my favorite pictures of him.

He was such a goofball sometimes!

My Charlie...he was just so unique! Everything he did was unlike any cat we'd ever had before. Even though he did a ton of mostly really bad things(like attacking my mom. one word: nightmarish), he was still such a fantastic cat, just because he was so different. I'm not going to lie to you, friends; I teared up more than a little bit while writing this and going through all of the old pictures of my baby. He's been gone for more than a year now, and I still wish that he hadn't of ran away. I always thought that he might, but when the day came that he really did, it was just so sad.

Charlie was one of the most exciting cats I have ever had, and I think a part of me will always miss him. He was more like a crummy friend than he was a feline. I could go on and on about him, but I think this trip down memory lane has been quite enough for one night. All in all, I miss my Charlie Cat.

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