Friday, February 18, 2011

The Sun Is Up, The Sky Is Blue. It's Beautiful, And So Are You

Everyone strives for perfection in some way, whether it be with our looks, lifestyle, or relationships. It's always sad when people come to the conclusion that there isn't a such thing as "perfect", and then take it out on themselves.

Cutting, eating disorders,'s terrible. The world has given most of us false expectations and when we realize we can't fulfill them, we crash and burn.

One of the top false expectations? Appearances. They're what controls our lives. Might sound dramatic, but it's very true.

Think about it: Is there a day that goes by without you thinking one false thing about yourself? Do you ever have a day where you're perfectly content with how you look, and you wouldn't change a thing? If you have, then you're either a better person than I am or you're a complete liar.

I NEVER have one of those days. I am always willing to think, "Oh, my nose really is too big. My hair is so stupid. I wish eyes weren't like that." If, considering you are an honest person, you were to sit down in front of a full length mirror, admit it; You'd give yourself the once-over. If you were totally alone and bored and had nothing else to do, you'd probably give that mirror more than just a glace. You'd probably stare at whatever it is you dislike the most. At least, that's what I do.

If someone were to do that too long, they would go insane. If we sit there and try to compare ourselves to what the world has told us is "pretty", we would drive ourselves absolutely batty.

The world has told us that to be attractive, we must all be the right size, the right shape, and have the right style. If we aren't tall, blond, and rail thin, then we aren't fit to look at. If we don't wear certain clothes or know about a certain brand, we are cheap, poor, and/or stupid. Does anyone else find that insane?!

I've dealt with that sort of thing before. I've been told that I eat too much, that my hair would look better straight, and that I'm so country, I don't know something so simple as to how to properly pronounce the brand, Aeropostale. Do any of those things really matter? Even if they are true, who cares?

The sad thing is, MOST of society cares. So many websites and magazines about which perfect celebrity wore which perfect outfit...perfectly. Some people tend to create idols of these actors and actresses, and it's just not how it should be. Those photoshopped glam queens you see on the silver screen and on the cover of Sports Illustrated? Completely fake.

They've been so tweaked, pulled, stretched, and stiffened, that they are no longer what GOD made them to be. They let the world get to them, and they changed the way that they looked so they could look "better", based on what society told them looks good. Take a look at this verse.

"All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you." - Song of Solomon, 4:7(NIV)

Amazing. The Creator of the universe, the one who could make you look as Hollywood as He wants, thinks you are beautiful AS YOU ARE. That's really something else.

God made you how He wanted you. According to popular belief, He doesn't make mistakes. He knew what He was doing when He created you, and He thinks you're all beautiful. Not ugly, not overweight, not too short, not too disproportioned; He thinks you are all beautiful.

That's just mind blowing to me! Just for the sake of others as a way to try to maybe start a new trend(one where girls feel better about themselves no matter what), I'm going to try my best not to complain to others about my looks. I should put God's opinion first, always. If He thinks that there's no flaw in me, then so be it. I tweak a quote from Bruno Mars when I say,

I am amazing, just the way I am.

*For anyone who is interested in the topic, check out THIS blog. The girl who writes on there is way better than I am, and she expresses what she's thinking much better than I. Be sure to follow her blog and let her know what you think!


  1. Amanda, that was a really good post. Thanks for being willing to just talk about how you feel and be real with your readers - I think humans need to see real humans with emotions and thoughts and stuff.

    And thanks so much for linking to my blog. That was...a...a very sweet compliment.

  2. Thanks, Ashley. =]

    And no problem! It's totally true.

    Just for the record, I wasn't trying to copy you in any way. I've actually been wanting to write about this for awhile, and that verse has been on my mind ever since I read your blog about it. So really, thanks again! =]
