Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pretty Much A Fantastical Evening

So today started out quite blah-ish. I was in the sort of mood where I try my best to act normal but I can't, and everything was bothering me and not working out. Gah, I hate that! Anyways, I got in a better mood once I ate some Peeps and went downstairs to watch a movie with my mom and brother.

After the movie, I got on IM and started talking to my 2 best friends. Not only did Kirstin make me laugh(so hard that I almost choked on the hot dog I was eating at one point), but Ryan started my very own Facebook status chain. My name is now in about 18 statuses. To all of those who don't know me very well, I'm easily pleased, and starting something like that was DEFINATELY my cup of tea. Ryan, you rock. Majorly. As does everyone else who put my name in their status!

Once I bid my friends farewell and finished off the rest of my cake and ice cream(ICE CREAM!), I went downstairs again to watch Little Shop of Horrors, an episode of Lie To Me, and an episode of My Name Is Earl with Mom!

Ending with a good sized glass of Sunny D and a little night time reading, this day turned out to be "da bomb diggity". Thanks everyone! =]

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