Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Sometimes I think that I was made for the movie-making life. Sometimes while I'm listening to a song, I'll come up with a complete movie scene that would be perfect for the song to go with. I'll see the people, the situation, the drama, the feeling, everything! It's pretty sweet, really.

Then other times, I'll be laying in my bed, when I'll come up with a whole movie idea. I'll have the plot all planned out, my characters described, and the location set. All I need next is the cast, crew, and equipment. There are even some moments when I'll go through a complete dialog with myself in my head. I wonder, does that count as crazy, or simply imaginative?

It's awesome what all goes into making a film! All the jobs, all the dates, all the's just amazing! I think most people take movie magic for granted. I've always thought it was incredibly interesting. Call me a nerd, but I try to watch all of the special features on DVDs that I can, no matter how good the movie was. I just love watching what all goes on behind the scenes. People give so much credit to the actors and sometimes the directors, but what about everyone else who spent months, sometimes years, working on the film? Each and every one of them had something to do with making it, and that's why I actually enjoy reading the credits. I figure that if I were doing their job, I'd want someone to take notice.

My absolute favorite part of movies? The make-up and costumes. I really and truly can't get enough of it. If I watch a movie that had some really neat looking costumes or prosthetics, I HAVE to watch how they made it. If I think I'd be good at it, I'd love to go into that sort of thing.

Just thought I'd share that. =]

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